What I've been reading lately.


I know that I already have a book blog but I kind of miss posting about what I've been reading on this blog as I know many of you like to hear about what I've been reading and any recommendations I have. I thought I'd do a little round up of the books I've enjoyed lately! I have read many books this year so I'll pick a few of my favourites and share with you.
And if anyone has any recommendations, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know :)

Books I'e read lately.

I really enjoyed Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. About a young girl who is literally allergic to EVERYTHING! She can't go out side because she's allergic to outside and everything outside. She lives with her mum and nurse and even the air inside her home has to be filtered. And then she spots the new neighbours... Everything is about to change.

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Next up I read 'While My Eyes Were Close' by Linda Green. 
Lisa takes her little girl to the park one afternoon. They play hide and seek and while Lisa's eyes are closed, her daughter goes missing! Where is she? How far could she have gone? Is she just hiding in a really good hiding place? I loved this book and found it hard to put down. I rated this book five stars over on goodreads.

The Girl With No Name by Diney Costeloe was another book I could not wait to read. It's set during world war II about a Jewish girl who has to leave Germany and is evacuated to England. She can speak little English and finds it very different to what she is use to. She's very home sick and misses her family back in Germany, a lot. Will she ever see her family again?  Another really amazing war fiction story that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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If I stay by Gayle Foremon is a fairly short story about a family who are involved in a car accident. Seventeen year old Mia is faced with a choice, the biggest choice anyone could ever have! It's really hard to write a review on this book without giving anything away. I'll just say this. You NEED to read it. (The movie is also good but I prefer the book)

One book that has been on my 'To be read' list for a long time is Markus Zusak's 'The Book Thief' Another historical fiction story about a little girl who has to go and live with a childless couple and try to escape the Nazis. The childless couple she goes to live with takes some getting use to. She misses her brother and mother! They take in a Jewish man who ends up hiding out in the cellar! A really good read, beautifully written, a book I really enjoyed! Be warned though, it's 554 pages long. (The film is also good!)
You can read ALL my book reviews over on my book blog.
My book blog is Sarahs Book Hub and my book instagram is The.bookhub please do give me a follow if you like all things bookish! :) 
What have you been reading lately or what's your favourite book? 
Read With Me

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  1. I love a book post, so thank you - and The Book Thief is one of my favourite books :)

    1. It IS a very good book :) Not sure it's one I could read again though! Thanks for stopping by xx

  2. Hi Sarah, I do actually have While My Eyes Were Closed, but haven't got around to reading it yet. An autumn read for sure. Everything, Everything sounds like an interesting read to. And I know my daughter really wants to read The Book Thief, maybe it's one I can add to her Christmas stocking!


    1. While My Eyes Were Closed is VERY good! I loved it. Everything everything is a contemporary genre but also very good! I recommend both xx

  3. I really like the sound of Everything, Everything. The Book Thief has been on my wishlist for ages, great to hear that you enjoyed it :)

    1. Both very good books. Have yo useen the movie 'The book Thief'? :) xx

  4. I haven't read a good book for so long! How do you find the time to read so much? #TwinklyTuesday

  5. Usually stay up reading too late... And then regret it at 6am when I ahve to wake up, haha. Also I read in the bath and the bus. xx

  6. I've been tempted to read 'The Book Thief' so many times but have just never got around to it. I think I'll have to add it to my list again - I love the idea of Everything Everything as well - another one for my list! #TwinklyTuesday

  7. I am not reading anything at the moment. Need to change that. Fab book ideas here.

  8. This was an interesting post. I have been reading a book this week about a mum who had triplets. It's nice to take time to read. Angela from Daysinbed

  9. I'm currently reading the latest Tim Weaver and can hardly put it down at the moment.

  10. The boy in the stripped pajamas is such a good book and the film is good too! I have not read if I stay so will be giving that a try!

  11. I loved Everything Everything and If I Stay - they are brilliant books! I haven't read The Boy In Striped Pyjamas but I did watch the film and it was so sad. The Book Thief was a decent book but I preferred the film.


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