I'm thankful for... #ThankfulThursday


I am very thankful for the fact that the little's break up from school this week! I can not tell you how glad I am about that. It will be lovely to have them home and have a break from the school routine.

I am also thankful and happy that it's almost Easter, which means the weather should start improving very soon, we can't wait! I love Easter because it usually means sunny weather, yay!

I am really proud of the kids, they have done so well at school at this term, they've behaved well at home and they're becoming very independent, which is of course, bittersweet!

Very basic and simple reasons to be happy and thankful this week but all is good :)

What are your reasons to be happy/thankful this week?

Sarah xXx

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  1. Lovely reasons to be thankful - I'm thankful too this week for my little one finishing preschool for the Easter break and the opportunity to see her in her preschool concert. Hope you enjoy spending time with your children over the Easter holidays :-)

  2. Simple rocks it needs to be celebrated more. Sounds like you have lovely healthy children. Hope you and your family have a lovely Easter.

  3. Awww, how lovely, hope you have a lovely Easter holiday and that we get awesome weather

  4. We still have a few days before we break for easter but I cant wait! thanks for linking up with #Thankfulthursday its always great to read your posts


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