It's hard to believe...


It is SO hard to believe that my children are growing SO fast. Especially my eldest Harry. He's going to be turning twelve years old this year. 12!!! Which means, this coming September, he;s going to be starting high school. That is just crazy! How has time gone so quick? How has he learned so much, so fast? How has it been twelve years since he was born? Wow. Charlie will be in year 6 come September, which is also rather hard to believe, my little 5lb 3oz baby... in year SIX?! WHAT?! And Ellie will be in year three. It feels like she JUST started school! It really does go so, so fast!
Here are a few pictures of my boys and Ellie growing up over the past however many years. It's just crazy.

Harry in 2003.
2005! Wow, Charlie was tiny.
Charlie and Ellie in 2007.
Ups and downs smiles and frowns The Gallery Post
Harry and Charlie in 08.

Charlie in 2009?
The boys.
An old collage I made years ago!
World book day in 2009.
Ellie was 2/3 months old in this pic! Aww.
Easter 2013.
2015! They have grown up SO fast!

Part of me really doesn't like the fact they are becoming so independent and growing up so fast, but the other part of me enjoys watching them grow and learn new things. I am nervous and excited at the same time, haha. Bittersweet comes to mind, ha. I am so proud of them all, I really can not tell you how proud of them I am.

Sarah xXx

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  1. I can relate. They grow up so fast, don't they? I only have a daughter and she's four now. I sometimes wonder, how on earth did that happen, when she was just a baby yesterday? Can't things slow down just a tiny little bit? ;) #sharewithme.

  2. They grow up far to quick! Great photos by the way. X #stickyfingers

  3. Lovely post. They don't stay babies for long, do they. My eldest turns 18 next year.

  4. I don't know where time goes - a great collection of photos there xx

  5. Lovely collection of photos. It is absolutely crazy how quickly time seems to go when you have kids!x

  6. Aww what a lovely post and collection of photos. #thegallery

  7. Ahh they really do grow up so very fast don't they? I feel the same about my two and I get emotional thinking how fast they grow up. Lovely post. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

  8. Lovely photos chronicling the years. x


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