
Some reasons to be thankful!

I'm sitting here in the corner of my kitchen, in the most awkward position trying to write this blog post (and do a few other things online). My mobile internet (dongle) has been playing up the past few days and not wanting to pick up a signal anywhere in the house. Finally, after half an hour of repositioning my laptop in different places...

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animal lover

The one where a cat adopts us.

Before we moved house (almost a month ago!) we had a cat that kept coming to our house and just would not leave. I even tried to encourage her to go home, I even TOOK her back home but no, she wasn't having any of it. She just kept coming back. She'd sneak inside the house when I wasn't paying attention and hide...

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Meal Planning Monday. #MealPlanningMonday

Gosh, it's been a while since I've meal planned! Now we're starting to settle into our new house, I really need to get back into meal planning! I have a new cooker (my old one was donkeys years old and took forever to cook anything) so I am looking forward to making some new foods and learning some new recipes, yum yum. I...

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age 11

The one where the kids start a new school.

Just over three weeks ago we moved house. We've moved to a 'new' (I say 'new' but it's not really new because it's the area I grew up in & the area that all my family live in. So we are familiar with this area) area which means the kids have had to change schools. It's a big deal moving house and area's...

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a fresh start

Moved house!

Just a quick post.. Phew! It's been a couple of week or so since I lasted blogged. The reason being is, we moved house! It was a mad rush because we weren't exactly expecting to move house. It was in the pipeline and has been for a while but it all happened so suddenly. All is good though! We live in a much...

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