Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house.. Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In hopes that St Nicholas would soon be there... - Clement Clarke Moore I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas. PS I'll be away for a week or so, not sure if I'll have...
OooOo FIVE days until Christmas!!! Who's excited? We all are in this house! I seriously can not wait! Hehe. Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week :) 1) I have finished ALL Christmas shopping, including food shopping! I only need the kids selection boxes or something like that... Gotta have some chocolates for Christmas day, hehe. I'm so excited. Excited to...
Omdz, I totally forgot to post my reasons to be cheerful on Thursday! Better late than never? Right? 1) I've finished my Christmas shopping! Yay! Just grocery shopping to go... 2) El had her Nativity play at school "Not Such A Silent night" it was called! She wasn't on stage but I loved hearing her sing and doing all the actions, so cute!...
I've been feeling a little rundown lately. I don't know if it's because I'm coming down with something or because I am so stressed! The holiday season can be rather stressful can't it?! I don't know why I'm stressing about it really, everything is almost brought, plans are in place... but still I stress! Charlie has changed his mind about wanting a bike...
Eek. A day late on posthing my reasons to be cheerful this week. I have been SO busy though.. Here's my reasons this week: 1) Last Saturday we went Christmas shopping to a different town. It was GREAT! I had no kids with me, I could take my time and not have to worry! It was truly fab. I picked up some lovely...
Gosh, I have been really busy! And it's all go from now on, right up until Christmas! No rest for the wicked, eh? Lol. I've been busy getting organised ready for Christmas, yesterday we put the Christmas tree up. I did a red, green and silver theme this year. It looks soooo pretty and the pictures don't do it any justice but honestly...