
The best and worst moments lately.


Goodness, it has been such a long time (or so it feels) since the last time I blogged. I've been MIA for a while, I took a break from blogging but it feels good to be back! Here are some of the best and worst moments lately.

best and worst moments lately. The weekly bits & bobs

  • I've been poorly a couple of times and my headaches have flared up a couple of times since the last time I blogged but I'm feeling ok now. 
  • I've been so busy and haven't had any time to actually blog properly and now I do have time, my mind has gone blank! I had so much to write about. 
  • The weather has turned cold again. We were enjoying the sunshine and the mild days. Still though, Spring is not very far away. 
I'm just going to go straight onto the positives because there are SO many positive things to write about and I really don't think I need to focus on anything negative when there are so many positives!


  •  I've lost a whole stone since Christmas! Or just before Christmas! A STONE! I've been eating healthy (mostly) and working out. I've still been attending the free fit club once a week, too! My stamina is the best it's been for a long while, I'm more determined than ever to be in those size 10 shorts this summer! I am so proud of myself! It's not easy, not easy at all but it'll be so worth it. I need to do more leg workouts though.
  • I've been decorating the front room. Hoorah! Hopefully having the laminate flooring laid this week, again, HOORAH! The front room is now a dark shade of grey on the bottom with a wooden white border (day dough rail.. How do you spell that? haha) in the middle and a pale grey on top. Now I need to save for a new sofa because mine is currently falling apart... 
  • Harry's parents evening - I am SO proud of Harry. He is in the top set for English, Maths and will be moving up to the top set for Science next term, too! He's doing incredibly well and has just picked his GCSE options (that's a whole other blog post in itself.) He's doing amazing at school! 
  • Ellie's parents evening also went extremely well. Her teacher left Christmas and she has a new teacher. I was a little worried about the change of teachers but I needn't have worried, she's doing great although we do need to work on her times tables and division a little more at home but apart from that, she's settled into year 4 amazingly. 
  • The weather has been lovely (minus the last couple of days). We've been to the park a couple of times. 
  • I've read a total of thirteen books so far this year. This is such good going for me! Yay! 
  • I've been doing some organsing and getting rid of things we don't need. Can't believe how much the kids have grown since Christmas! They're all going to need to be kitted out for summer. Thank goodness for the new Primark! 
  • I am still journaling and keeping trackers and lists, which help keep me inspired and motivated! I have quite the pen collection, haha. 
  • I celebrated my Birthday at the beggining of March and received some lovely gifts and was spoiled rotten. I feel very blessed to have such an amazing family!  
Things to look forward to:

  • Charlie has his parents evening this week! I am of course looking forward to hearing how he's doing at school (Hopefully all good!).
  • I am also looking forward to having the laminate flooring laid... I can't wait for that to be done with. 
  • Half term and Easter! Not long now, less than two weeks until the kids break up from school, it'll be a well needed rest and break from the school routine. praying for some lovely mild weather, hehe. 
What are your best or worst moments lately? Or what are you looking forward to? Let me know in the comments :)

Sarah xXx

Best of Worst

Cuddle Fairy

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  1. Yey to the kids on their great parents evenings! Sorry you've not been feeling great though, I get really bad headaches and they suck, a lot, so I feel your pain. I hope you get that laminate finished soon. #TwinklyTuesday

  2. Love how the positives outweigh the negatives. Also, wow at a stone weight loss and 13 books read so far this year! Amazing! We need a post on how you find the time to do that! #TwinklyTuesday

  3. Congradulations on your weight loss! It can be especially hard when you're busy so that's wonderful. Keep up the healthy choices!

  4. Congrats on the achievements and never mind the negatives - onwards and upwards!

  5. You definitely have a lot of positive things going on - good for you!

  6. Well done on that weight loss, that's a fantastic achievement! I have had some ups and downs but started a new role at my work this Jan so that's been good!

  7. I love that your positives out way all the negatives. It takes a lot of strength to do that. It maybe hard sometimes but doing this will really help you feel better. Great job! #bestandworst

  8. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well! But great about the weight loss! That's amazing, really well done!

  9. Hey, the positives sound totally amazing and there are some really cool things to look forward to!

  10. Sorry to hear that you've been a bit poorly but well done with the weight loss! Keep up the hard work.

  11. Well done you losing a stone but bad news about the headaches. I suffer with migranes so I feel your pain x

  12. I hear ya about the cold weather and belated Happy Birthday! x FYI: it's dado rail ;) Will you be posting before and after pics?? xx

  13. Sorry to hear you were feeling poorly but omgh a stone! That's incredible!

  14. Wow! Well done on the weight loss, that is a great achievement.

  15. Well done on your weight loss - that is fab! Our best would be today's trip to the zoo - it was warm and chilly depending on where we were but it was our first trip out somewhere this year! Yay to spring! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  16. Thought you had been quiet for a while! Glad feeling better. Amazing weight loss achievements and the kids too! The weather is lovely today! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x

  17. Congratulations on the weight loss - that's amazing. Hope the break was good. Thanks for linking to #sharewithme

  18. I love your positives, focus on those! I'm looking forward to Easter, my favourite of all the school holidays.

  19. Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well but well done on your weight loss and fitness :) #kcacols xx

  20. Wow well done on losing a stone, that's brilliant progress! Hope the headaches haven't been too hideous. #kcacols

  21. I'm glad you're back blogging! I feel your pain with the laminate - we have been without flooring since january and I'm so ready for it to go down! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

  22. So good to see you back to blogging and happy that the positives outweigh the negatives too. I hope your headaches get better for you and well done to the kids on their great parents evenings #kcacols


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