
It's been a month!


Wow, a whole month since I last updated my blog. Eek. I am trying to keep up with this, honestly.
So lots happened over the Easter break. I went to Liverpool to spend a few days with my fella, that was really good, had an amazing time! The train journey I think was just under five hours but it really wasn't bad at all. London and the tube was a bit hectic though. Not half as bad as I thought though & was certainly a good experience, however, I don't think I could that journey alone, the tube is just too confusing.

London somewhere, can't remember which station. 
I stood outside here and had a ciggie, it was busy!

@ Euston Tube Station. 

A rather tall building of some sort, near Euston station.

The train goes past the Olympic stadium! So cool! 

I met most of his family and friends and everyone seemed really friendly! We went out for drinks on the Saturday night, it was really good, I had an amazing time. Here's a pic of me before we went out...

 Me in a dress - this is rare!

We traveled back on the Tuesday, I had such a goo time I was sad to be leaving *Sigh* Still, it was really good! 
Easter shenanigans 

The kids had a brilliant Easter, they so many Easter Eggs I lost count, they also got new trainers from my boyfriend & he brought me a pair too.. black and purple reebok ones, they're really nice! Thankfully Easter wasn't too stressful. However, I was glad when the kids went back to school and I think they were too, they got so bored. The weather wasn't great - typical British weather. Rain. And lots of it. 

Yay! Easter Eggs! =D

the Easter holidays was filled with lots of DVDs, games and a lot of "mummmmm I'm bored" On the nicer days (I think we had 2 nice days) we went to the park, the kids had  blast! We played football (goodness only knows what I must have looked like trying to kick the ball but completely missing, haha. Fun times)

So now the kids are back at school, we're back into routine. The weather is still crud - lots of rain & wind. Bring on the summer already!! The boys both have school trips to look forward to. Charlie has a school trip tomorrow to a nature reserve place which will include pond dipping, a bug hunt and a picnic! Fingers crossed the weather stays dry for him and his class mates. He's excited. Harry has a school trip in a few weeks to a farm place, he is really looking forward to that! The boys both do football club after school, Charlie Thursday after school and Harry Friday after school. They both seem to be enjoying that. 
Ellie has an extra session at nursery. She now attends Tuesday afternoons, a full day Wednesdays and a Thursday afternoon which is awesome. She could go more but there are no space unfortunately. She really does love nursery, she's learning so much & has made quite a few friends even if she can't always remember there names, haha. 

Random bits and bobs!
The other day (Friday I think) Charlie found a slow worm in the garden! Along with grass snakes and some kind of frogs, Charlie was really pleased with his slow worm find! Slow worms are a breed of lizard but without the legs and I must say they look rather cute! They're actually one of very few native reptiles to Britain. Brave Charlie picking it up and no they do not bite.  (I am hoping there are no adders out the back because they bite! Although not deadly they do apparently hurt when they bite so I am really praying there are none of them!) 
The slow worm! Pretty cool, huh?! 
I also managed to get an E-reader, those of you who know me well will know that I ca't read very well because of my eye sight. I have swollen optic nerves (thanks to the IIH) which means sometimes my eye sight is quite strange. Like I can't focus on things very well, find it hard to judge if an object is still or moving (this creates a bit of a problem when I am trying to cross the road. Anyway, I haven't read a book for I don't even know how long, it's been at least a year and a half so you cna iamgine how excited I am to have an E-rader. Especially since I am a big reader!! I've got quite a few books to read but of course I don't always get a chance to read lol, it's nice to read in the evenings when the kids are in bed and most of the housework is done. It's my new baby: 

Anyway. This is a fairly long post. I shall leave this here and go and make the boys packed lunches for tomorrow! I also need to get Harrys P.E shirt dry because he forgot to put it in the wash Friday evening and has only just told me that it needs washing! Argh. Oh well it won't take long. 

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