country kids

The one where we go to a Regatta. #CountryKids

A couple of weeks ago there was a regatta along the river. I'm not a huge boat fan I must say but it was better than staying in all afternoon. The boys had gone fishing with there dad so Ellie and I decided to check out the regatta and what a great afternoon it was too! Ellie really enjoyed it and I did...

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From blogging to jogging - Quite literally.

Last week I wrote about how I had started working out again and eating healthy. Not only have I been doing Jillian Michaels thirty day shred everyday and eating healthy but I have also been power walking/slow jog a few times, too. In nine days I lost a grand total of six pounds, which I am really, really chuffed about. I am going...

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meal plan

Meal Planning Monday

Here's the kids meal plan for this week! Monday - Sausage, chips and peas. Tuesday - Spaghetti bolognase with garlic bread Wednesday - Tuna and pasta with sweetcorn and salad. Thursday - Chicken nuggets with chips and beans Friday - Pork chops with mash potato, carrots and gravy Saturday - Pizza day! Sunday - Sunday roast (chicken) What's on your meal plan this...

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The girl on the train by Paula Hawkins.{Book review}

Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning. Every day she rattles down the track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal that allows her to daily watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck. She’s even started to feel like she knows them. “Jess and Jason,” she calls them. Their life—as she sees it—is perfect. Not...

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A Sunday Photo.. #MySundayPhoto

A photo of the kids when we went for a walk. ...

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animal lover

Crazy about cats! #Caturday

I am seriously so crazy about cats! I can't even tell you. If I had it my way I would have a hundred cats, I just love them and I can't get enough. We have two cats, one called Lotti and one called Sylvie. Lotti is three years old and we think Sylvie is probably slightly younger, we don't really know because Sylvie...

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British summer

The one where we go for a walk in the woods.

All day Thursday it was so hot! After school the little's wanted to go to the park but we decided it was just too hot for that. So after dinner we went for a walk in the woods instead! The weather had cooled down a bit and it was a gorgeous evening. A stroll through the woods is exactly what we needed.We're very...

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Wordless Wednesday.

A photo posted by Sara ♡ (@sassyserz) on Jun 22, 2015 at 7:57am PDT ...

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age 11

The one where I'm super proud!

Since we have moved house and the kids have obviously moved schools, too! They are all doing really well. Anyway, the kids have only been at there new school since just after Easter. It took a while for Ellie to settle in as she had the same teacher (in her old school) for almost two years and the same group of friends since...

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weight loss

I've started again!

As many of my regular readers know, I started the thirty day shred back in November last year. I lost almost 20lbs (or maybe just over) but then in April I moved house and had to stop doing the 30 day shred. I gained 8lbs between April and the end of May. The week before last I started doing more walking (I already...

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Happiness is homemade. #ThankfulThursday

This week has been a busy one. When am I not ever busy?! There's been ups and downs but I am focusing on the positives. Here are my reasons to be happy and cheerful this week. On Monday I started the thirty day shred again, I need to loose weight and I am so, so determined. Yes, it's hard and yes I do...

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