It's finally Spring and we have been making the most of the beautiful weather we have been blessed with the last few days. We decided to go for a lovely walk and to the park after school one evening. The weather was mild and sunny, perfect for a trip to the park. We got to the park and the boys noticed there friends...
Goodness, it has been such a long time (or so it feels) since the last time I blogged. I've been MIA for a while, I took a break from blogging but it feels good to be back! Here are some of the best and worst moments lately. Negatives: I've been poorly a couple of times and my headaches have flared up a couple...
I've done really well with my reading so far this year. I've read a total of thirteen books so far this year. Some short and some longer books. I've stayed up far too late reading & I've read rather a lot whilst I've been on the bus. I wrote a blog post, sharing -some tips- on how to make time to read more....