
Our Christmas 2014.

We had a fantastic Christmas. Before the little ones went to bed on Christmas eve, they opened a present each - Christmas PJs. We do love our Christmas PJs and it's a tradition to open them on Christmas evem, before going to bed.  On Christmas eve, Santa brought all the presents and put them under the Christmas tree. He ate his snacks the...

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happy new year

Meal planning Monday.

Wow. Christmas soon flew by! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all the very best for 2015, I hope it's the best year ever for everyone. Here's this weeks meal plan. Lots of Christmas food to use up this week. I think I over bought but none of it will go to waste, so it doesn't really...

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A Sunday Photo

boxing day

The one where it's Boxing day!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas. We certainly did! I#ll write about our Christmas in another post so look out for that! Harry loves his new scooter. Yesterday was boxing day. Usually on boxing day we all go out for a walk and this year was no exception. The kids wanted to take there new electric scooter that they got for Christmas....

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Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

I hope you all have the best Christmas yet! Merry Christmas Sarah xOxOx ...

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Feeling festive... Finally.

I think I'm just about ready for Christmas. I only need to buy the fresh fruit and veggies now, which is ok, I plan on tackling the supermarket early tomorrow morning. Hopefully before it gets too busy! The presents are all wrapped, the Christmas cards are all sent, the Christmas meal plan is done and I finally have a star big enough for...

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childrens book review

Mr Men - The christmas Party {Review}

Mr Men - The Christmas party.  Written and Illustrated by Roger Hargreaves EgmontUK kindly sent us this lovely children's book to review! Now, as many of my regular readers know, we LOVE books. My children really enjoy reading, especially Mr men books! We have quite a few Mr Men books, they never loose there 'magic' and are thoroughly loved in this house. "Little...

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Caseflex Small Neoprene 7" Tablet Pouch review

Caseflex Small Neoprene 7" Tablet Pouch {review}


Slumberdown winter warm duvet {review}

There is nothing better than new bedding. Especially in winter, when it's cold outside. Getting all cosy in bed with a new duvet is one of my favourite feelings in the entire world! I always seem to sleep a lot better when I have new bedding, too and I am sure I'm not the only one. Slumberdown sent me this Winter Warm Duvet...

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The one where we experience a flash mob!

I honestly can't believe it's December, let alone the fact, it's almost Christmas. Where has this year gone?! I have been really, really busy the last couple of weeks. I've had a lot going on in my personal life and of course the build up to Christmas, having three kids means there is A LOT to do! I've enjoyed there Christmas nativity plays...

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meal plan

Meal Planning Monday.

This weeks meal plan might not be too exciting as I need to use up bits out of the freezer, tins and packets from the cupboard and wherever else. You see, I only have a small freezer, which needs defrosting and not very much room in my cupboards for the Christmas food. I'm sure the kids won't mind too much though. Monday -...

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arts and crafts

Santa's Workshop Kit from Yellowmoon {Review}

Yellow moon sent us a box of Christmas arts and crafts for the kids to do during the festive season. Firstly, they picked the lovely Santa's workshop kit to make and decorate. Charlie and Ellie were ever so excited to get stuck into these.  The pack we received contained two Santa workshop kits.  We laid the kits out on the table so we...

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