Best and worst

Chaotic Chaos - August Round Up.

Life has been quite hectic lately. I have had a lot going on and I really haven't been feeling myself. I think it's just that I let everything get on top of me the past couple of weeks or so and it's resulted in me falling into some kind of slump. Anyway, things should get back to normal now and I'm feeling a...

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about me

Life.. Four things {Tag}

I wasn't tagged but I saw thing tag on Sparkles At Midnight Blog and thought I'd join in as I really just love this tag! Tags are a great way to get to know people. If you'd like to do this tag, please feel free! And leave me a comment so I can check out your answers :)  Four names that people call...

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country kids

The one where we visit great grandparents.

Last week we visited my grandparents. They live on a country park, in a cabin/lodge (It's brick at the bottom and then like a wood effect above that) I honestly can't describe it very well but it's beautiful! Anyway, basically they have a shared swimming pool with other people that live within in the park and family members are allowed to use! Which...

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Best and worst

The Weekly Bits & Bobs #BestAndWorst.

It's almost 9pm on Tuesday night and I have literally just sat down. I have been SO busy today! I'm tired, its been a long day. Anyway, it's the time of the week again - The weekly bits and bobs. Here are our best & worst moments from the past week. Negatives: I've been feeling anxious (what's new?!) and stressed (again, what's new?!)...

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Paperchase Butterfly A5 Organiser {Review}

It's no big secret that I love stationery. Actually, I adore stationery and stationary shopping is my favourite kind of shopping. I really detest shopping - for anything! But when it comes to stationary that's a whole different story. I could spend hours (and a lot of money... Money that I don't have) on stationary. I've recently started a bullet journal using my...

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My Sunday Photo

My Sunday Flower #MySundayPhoto

animal lover

Cats, Cats, Cats! #Caturday.

Anyone that's been following my blog for a while we know that I am crazy about cats. I have two cats. A tortoiseshell cat named 'Lotti' who is just over four years old. We also have Sylvie, a beautiful tabby (maybe a little Bengal in her!) who adopted us (You can read her story here) who is around two or three years old....

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