arts and crafts

Spring arts & crafts from Baker Ross {Review}

Baker Ross sent us some really lovely Spring themed art and craft kits for us to try out! We adore arts and crafts and being creative! Ellie was super excited to get stuck into these! We first coloured in the creative flower wreaths. Each pack contains 6 assorted spring/floral designs, each wreath comes with a piece of ribbon to hang the wreath and...

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country kids

It's a beautiful day.

It's finally half term and it's more than welcome in our house! Having a break from the school routine does everyone the world of good! While the weather was nice we decided to take a trip to the park, it was a gorgeous day, the sun was shinning and it was 7 degrees which is quite shocking considering the day before it was...

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book review

Nobody's Son by Cathy Glass {Book Review}

Harper Collins got in touch with me and asked me if I'd like to review Nobody's Son by Cathy Glass. Nobody's son is Cathy's new book and is out at the end of this month. I am a HUGE Cathy Glass fan and couldn't wait to read this book! (You can check out my other Cathy Glass book reviews by clicking on the...

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arts and crafts

Decorating Happy Face Flower Suncatchers using Glass Paint Pens {Review}

Baker Ross sent us some lovely art and craft kids to review. Included were these beautiful Flower Suncatcher Decorations and Glass Colour Pens. Ellie was super excited to start colouring the suncatchers with the glass pens! The pens come in a pack of five (orange, white, pink, blue and green). They are transparents gloss liquid paint and need a good shake before using!...

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Best and worst

The weekly bits & bobs. #BestAndWorst.

Phew! January is almost over (This is a scheduled post) and I am really glad to see the back of January. It was a hard, busy and stressful month. Anyway here are the best and worst bits from the past week or so. Negatives:  I weighed myself last week and I was not impressed! Not at all. More on that in a minute...

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