
January Bargains.


I didn't really go many places in Jnauary but I did pick up a few bargains when I was in the supermarket.

First up I picked up some scented candles in Morrisons priced at just 75p. I love the Vanilla Sugar one a lot. They smell amazing and are great value for money. They're not as scented as more expensive ones but they are still very lovely indeed. I have quite an addiction to scented candles, they really help me relax in the evenings.

I also picked up two calendars, a Minions one for Charlie (not that he needs a calendar but it's nice for him to be able to write down his friends Birthdays/after school clubs etc) and a Frozen calendar for Ellie because we're working on which month comes when, seasons etc and a calendar will really help her with that. They also have glossy posters and pictures inside, which can be used at the end of the year, I think that's a fab idea. Ellie has already decided she's going to make a Frozen collage with hers, bless. These were £1.25 each from Tesco, they also had other calendars for just 75p. We don't need any more calendars though.

I also picked up some snacks, which were reduced to 38p each in the co-op. These are perfect for movie nights with the kids and they don't mind that they're "Christmas" snacks. 38p for a big tub is a bargain in my opinion! I picked up three tubs :)

Last but not least, I found a make up powder in pound land, I'm not expecting great results when I do get around to trying it but thought I'd give it a go or keep it just incase I ever run out of usual powder. For £1, I can't really grumble if it's no great!

What bargains have you found recently? Do you have any bargain hunting tips?

Sarah xXx
A Cornish Mum

Let's Talk Mommy

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  1. I love a scented candle - I think it's one of the best ways to treat yourself to a little bit of calm and luxury. And with the cheap ones you don't feel guilty about lighting them! #ShareWithMe

  2. Scented candles are lovely. And Katy's right, you don't feel bad about using the cheap ones

  3. I love vanilla scented candles, so will be looking out for that one as it's such a bargain! #PicknMix

    Helen x


  4. Oh these are great bargains. I love a good bargain when I find one. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

  5. I love a good bargain! I'm a big fan of reduced price snacks too.... no idea why my 'diet' isn't working

    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x


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