silent sunday

Silent Sunday and My Sunday Photo.


The Summer Tag.

Georgina over at Makeup-Pixi3 created this 'The Summer Tag' post but I stole it from the lovely Rachel over at Beauty Queen UK. I love filling these out, it's such a fab way to get to know someone better and it's great fun, hehe. "Feel free to consider yourself tagged as well, IF you do it, please remember to credit me as the source...

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Caturday Caption Day #SatCap


The past couple of days.

The past couple of days have been unevetful to be honest. I've been suffering with hayfever really bad. I have never, ever had it this bad before, I honestly feel like I can't breathe. It's horrible. I'll have to try some different hayfever tablets because the ones I currently use haven't been working. Needless to say, I've been staying indoors as much as...

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What's made me happy this week?

Things that have made me happy this week.. 1) I had my hair done. It's now ombre - brunette on top and light brown in the middle with blonde at the bottom. I've had to use a colour correcting shampoo on it because it went a little bit orange in places but I really, really love it! Now my mission is to grow...

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Wordless Wednesday. #WordlessWednesday

Yesterday we went for a walk along the pier, it was such a lovely day. I think I take living by the beach for granted and we really do need to go more often! We're rather lucky.  I forgot to take my camera though so I only had my phone, but that's ok. ...

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Hey, it's ok...

Amber over at Airing My Dirty Laundry got this idea from Glamour magazine. I thought I'd join in with her linky this week. Such fun. To be looking forward to the end of term. A month to go! I can't wait until the little's break up for six weeks, honestly, it'll be nice to have a break from school runs, all things school...

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Meal planning Monday #MealPlanningMonday

The last couple of weeks have been a bit unorganised, I can't tell you why exactly because I have no idea. I've just been busy doing... I don't even know.. every day things I suppose. However, I am getting back into being organised and thought why not start with a meal plan! So here is our meal plan for this week: Monday -...

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Bucket list

Summer bucket list 2014.

Last year we did quite well with our summer bucket list. In fact, we always make a bucket list for every season. It's such good fun and gives us something to aim towards. The kids really enjoy it, too. So here is our family summer bucket list for Summer 2014. 1) Go on a bug hunt 2) Collect sea shells 3) Picnic somewhere...

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silent sunday

#SilentSunday and #MySundayPhoto


Reasons to be cheerful and thankful. #R2BC

1) On Tuesday I had my hair ombre'd but it didn't work out very well and I was so unhappy with it. Especially as it had taken me a while to save up. So, I complained and today the hair dresser fixed my hair and I love it. I really, really love it. Although the pic doesn't do it much justice and it...

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wednesday words

Wordless Wednesday.

The other day I was looking through my old photos and I found this photo of Charlie when he was newborn. He was born with a kidney reflux and was really quite poorly when he was born. He was just starting to get better when this photo was taken. I know it's an old photo but I really wanted to share. I haven't...

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Saturday is world cup caption Satursday. #SatCap

Charlie with his world cup poster. ...

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arts and crafts

Home made world cup posters.

The world cup is a massive thing in our house, although I'm personally not a lover of football, all three kids are. They love it and are so, so excited about the world cup. The little's really wanted to make a world cup poster. So that is exactly what we did. We used card, poster paints, a black marker pen and of course...

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The one where we meet an author.

Today, Harry and Charlie had an author 'Soman Chainani' visiting there school to talk about his book 'School of good and evil'. He talked about his book and reading. The boys really enjoyed it apparently. After school he was signing books on the playground, of course we had to go over and get a book signed! It was so exciting!! Soman was like...

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British summer

Reasons to be cheerful & thankful.

  Gosh, isn't it warm?! It's nice to see the sun though. Here are my reasons to be cheerful and thankful this week. 1) I am having my hair done next week, it needs thinning out so bad. In this heat, it is not ideal to have long, thick, curly hair. I am really looking forward to having my hair done and sorted...

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wordless Wednesday

A sunny wordless Wednesday #WordlessWednesday

country kids

We're going for a scoot!

Yesterday was such a lovely sunny, warm day I decided to take Ellie to the park while the boys were at there dads. So off we went to the park. Ellie of course wanted to take her scooter! She loves scooting, hehe. We walked the long way to the park, stopping at the shop first for a nice cold drink. Ellie was all...

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arts and crafts

Beach Hut Ceramic Coin Banks {Review}

Yellow moon sent us these lovely beach hut ceramic coin banks to review. As you can imagine, my little's could not wait to decorate and personalise these! We used the Giotto Metalic Decor Pens which Yellow moon also sent us to review. (We've used these pens in the past, on plastic and paper. They are priced at £3.99 for a pack of 5...

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children book

Marshmellows for Martians {Children's book review}

Last year we reviewed Spaghetti with Yeti (by Adam & Charlotte Guillaan, illustrated by Lee Wildish) that Egmont kindly sent us to review. This is Ellie's absolute favourite book, we have read it so many times. We read it at least ten times a week. In fact, I no longer need the book to read it, I know it off by heart, as...

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Careless & Clumsy.

I did something incredibly stupid today. I scolded my hand with boiling hot cooking oil. How it happened? I've no idea, it was just one of those things, it happened so fast! So, I am typing this with my left hand (I'm right handed). I am seriously so clumsy. I kept my hand in freezing cold ice water for a couple of hours...

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#SilentSunday & #MySundayPhoto

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