
Gnome Sewing Kits {Review}


Yellow Moon sent us this lovely Gnome sewing kit to review. We really enjoy arts & crafts, especially ones we have never tried before!

Gnome Cusion Sewing Kits from yellowmoon @ ups and downs, smiles and frowns

The Gnome Sewing kits are aged 5 an upwards! They come in pack of two and each kit contains everything you need to make your very own cushion gnome, including, felt shapes, self-adhesive felt pieces, yarn, plastic needle and stuffing and they come in two designs.

Gnome Cusion Sewing Kits from yellowmoon review @ ups and downs, smiles and frowns

Ellie could not wait to get sewing! We threaded the yarn through the plastic needle and put our two gnome shapes together and away she went (with a little help from me at times). The holes are already punched into the gnome felt shapes ready for the needle and yarn to be sewn through.

Gnome Cusion Sewing Kits review  from yellowmoon @ ups and downs, smiles and frowns
Ellie and Ellie sewed about three quarters around the gnome, leaving enough space to put the stuffing inside our gnome. Ellie really enjoyed doing this and filling her gnome with the soft stuffing.

Gnome Cusion Sewing Kits from yellowmoon @ ups and downs, smiles and frowns

 Once she had filled the gnome with stuffing, we carefully sewed the rest of him up! Which left us with a very stuffed gnome ready to decorate with the self adhesive felt stickers.

Gnome Cusion Sewing Kits from yellowmoon @ ups and downs, smiles and frowns

"This is really fun" Ellie told me "Hes going to look super duper cute when I've finished" Bless her. She found it easy enough to peel the shapes off and fit them into place on the gnome. 

Summer arts and crafts activity for children

"Aww, he is so cute and really bright" she declared proudly! The colours of the gnome are very bright and vibrant, which makes these sewing kits rather appealing to children. And of course she had to take him out in the garden because "That's where gnomes like it best" haha, so sweet. He is a very cute gnome indeed and Ellie is really proud that she made it herself! "He looks quite magical, too" she announced. And she's right, there something magical about gnomes, isn't there?

Gnome Cusion Sewing Kits from yellowmoon @ ups and downs, smiles and frowns

This is a lovely summer arts and crafts activity for children and would make a perfect group activity, too! 

Yellowmoon sell a really lovely selection of children's arts and crafts. You can also follow Yellow Moon on pinterest for lots of ideas.

Sarah xXx

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  1. These are really cute, they kind of look like father Christmas!, I can't wait for my little one to be big enough for arts & crafts :) Xx

  2. He looks so cute. Kids love doing stuff like this don't they. My little man made a cow and a sheep. They are so cheap to buy and make for lots of fun in making them xx

  3. I love that the holes are pre-punched to make sure it turns out right, I think my little man is a bit too young but might stock up on a few of these (ahem, for myself) - great rainy day activity. Fab review :)

  4. Aww he is so cute! This is such a wonderful activity to do with the kiddies, so creative & he looks well made with thick string too. We made some bunnies at Easter & my kids really enjoyed it! Great review hun x

  5. These are lovely. We have some similar kits from Baker Ross (which I think could be something to do with Yellow Moon), and they'e great for helping develop fine motor skills.

  6. This is adorable, I used to love little projects like this when I was little! Might have to find something like this for my sister :)

  7. Oh these are just adorable! I imagine Tia would like to try but I would enjoy doing it too in the evening :-) and actually they would make fabulous homemade Christmas presents from the kids.

  8. This is fantastic. My sons love getting crafty and something like this will help to teach them a new skill but is easy to follow. I hope they do a Christmas range too as I'd love to get some little Santa's :-)

  9. I love the idea of these, I think they'll be both fun to make and lovely to give as home-made gifts from the kids. I love getting my craft on and Tia often wants to join in but is too little, she would love these.

  10. Aww, these are just gorgeous! I love Yellow Moon and will be ordering loads of craft things for Oscar to do when Stacey goes back to school in September :)

    Louise x

    With love from Lou

  11. Goodness you wiill be really organised come Xmas decorating!

  12. Yellow Moon products are fab! I will certainly be stocking up on Halloween and Christmas crafts from them. These are adorable! X

  13. These are so cute! I will certainly be getting a few to make at christmas for my little boy who is 5! x

  14. These are so cute! I'm not very good with a needle and thread, so I think this is exactly what I need to practice my skills :)

  15. Oh i love this! We've sewed hand puppets before that look similar but to actually stuff it and make a little standy-uppy dude would make Carson's day.

  16. These are gorgeous, so cute. I must put them on my list of things to buy for Christmas, my son would love this.

  17. These are gorgeous, my son would love these. I must order some for Christmas

  18. These are so cute! We got similar hand puppet ones before but my three year old was a little too young, I think she might be ready for a gnome by Christmas though, gorgeous!

  19. These are too cute. They look like so much fun making for you and the children :)

  20. That is sooooooooooo cute! I love the plastic needle i would have avoided buying a craft pack like this fearing the needle lol

  21. This looks like so much fun! Plus the gnome looks so cute x Great craft project :)
    Name: Martina Evans


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