**If you haven't read the first book and are planning on, you may not want to read this review, it may contain spoilers** “You’re going to feel uncomfortable in your new world for a bit. But I hope you feel a bit exhilarated too. Live boldly. Push yourself. Don’t settle. Just live well. Just live. Love, Will.”How do you move on after losing...
Each month I set a family bucket list. Things for us all to achieve and some personal goals for myself. I prefer having a bucket list because it gives me something to aim for and it's satisfying when I achieve those "goals". The kids also enjoy our monthly bucket lists, it's something we an do as a family. :-) We did do Valentines...
"Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick.What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.Will Traynor knows his...
Lets start with the best parts and my reasons to smile. We had a wonderful half term last week. We went on a lovely woodland walk, the kids climbed trees and had a lot of fun! We also went to feed the ducks and walk into our local town, which was truly lovely. My friend who I haven't seen since before Christmas came...
Mothers day is approaching fast, it's just around the corner. While I was out and about a few weeks ago I was in Home Bargain, which is a bargain store quite local to me. They have a great selection of mothers day gifts this year so I took the opportunity to grab some bits for my mum with mothers day in mind. I...
Mothers day is approaching fast and so Baker Ross sent us some mothers day arts and crafts projects to try out! The Mothers Day Roestte Badge Kits caught Ellie's eye! Ellie absolutely loves arts and crafts of any kind and these rosette badge kits were no exception. Each kit contains 5 rosettes, sequins, self adhesive phone shapes and a badge pin. Each kit...
During half term, we went to the cinema, we had a little time to kill before our movie started so we stopped by Castle Park, which is always beautiful no matter what time of year it is! It's so well maintained and landscaped. I only had my phone with me to take photographs on, I do wish I'd had my camera with me...
We've had a really busy half term and spent a lot time outdoors, it has been cold but we wrapped up warm and made the most of the half term. We're really lucky that we live in the country side, right by a river! We decided we were going to have a walk into our local town and feed the ducks a long...