This is out Christmas bucket list. I can't wait to get started! What's on your Christmas bucket list this year? Sarah xXx ...
It has been one heck of a week. Again. It's been full of sickness and poorly children, which has sucked. I need to remind myself that there ARE reasons to be thankful because this week has been super chaotic and a bit blah if I'm honest. So here are my reasons to be thankful this week. 1) I am thankful that we are...
Petshopbowl sell a wide range of petfood and products for your fur babies all reasonably priced! A few months ago, my kitty was lucky enough to be sent some cat food to review. Petshopbowl have some fabulous offers on this Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Why not treat your fur babies and make the most of these fantastic offers! Perhaps by them something...
One thing I really love more than anything else is kitchenware. I have a small kitchen and storage is a bit poor, so when I was asked if I'd like to review the 3 piece large bowl and colander set, I of course said I would be delighted to try it out. The 3 piece large bowl and colander set is very compact...
As many of you already know, I am trying to loose weight! On 2nd November I started Jillian Michaeal's 30 day shred along with an online friend. We are now on level three! I never, ever thought I would get this far, but I have! I'm not sure if I've lost weight because I haven't weighed myself and nor do I intend to...
It has been a mad 10 days or so. Everyone has been ill and it has really sucked. Badly. First last week, I had such a bad headache for a few days. I think I need another lumbar puncture to drain the fluid from around my brain but honestly, I want to avoid that if I can so I am trying other (natural)...
Trutex asked me if I would like to review three of there school uniform products, I of course said we'd love to try there school uniform. Honestly, you can never really have enough and the kids seem to go through school uniform like it's going out of fashion! Whether it be holes in school trousers from playing sports during break/lunch time or them...
Monday - Sausage, egg and chips with spaghetti hoops. Tuesday - Home made lasagne with garlic bread. Wednesday - Chicken pasta bake Thursday - Sausage stew (slow cooker! Kids favourite!) Friday - Pizza day. Saturday - Chicken Tikka with pilau rice and naan bread. Sunday Sunday roast or cottage pie. Sarah xXx Linked up with #MealPlanningMonday ...
Our kitty! Lotti was playing with the tassels on my coat which I had hung over the door to dry. Our kitty! Lotti was playing with the tassels on my coat which I had hung over the door to dry. ...
I know, I've been slacking when it comes to reading and #50books2014 but honestly, I have been SO busy! The past month or so has been chaos. I've had one illness after another, tonsillitis, chest infections, as well as dealing with my everyday struggle with IIH) and now a sinus infection. The little's have also been poorly and currently H & C have...
Now, as many of my regular readers will know. I am trying to loose weight! Being able to weigh yourself (not too often!) is a very important part of loosing weight. I don't like to weigh myself very often but it is important to keep track of my weight so when I was asked if I would like to review these Ozeri Digital...
Monday - Chicken dippers with fries and baked beans Tuesday - Spaghetti bolgnase Wednesday - Chilli chicken wraps with salad. Thursday - Cheese and potato pie with sausages and veggies. Friday - Chicken korma with pilau rice and naan bread Saturday - Fish, boiled potatoes and salad or peas. Sunday - Shepherds pie. (My meal plan looks a bit different to that as...
This week's #TheGallery theme is yellow. I thought I would share these pictures of yellow leaves, I took these photos at the zoo a few weeks ago! The zoo is beautiful this time of year. Autumn is such a stunning tome of year. Sarah xXx ...
Goodness. We have such a busy week this week, lots going on at the kids schools. The boys are in junior school and Ellie in infant school and they all have different things on different days. Swimming lessons, road safety afternoons, special assemblies, school photographs, after school clubs (double the amount of walking, which will do me good I guess) and dressing up...
I was recently sent some lovely Christmas cards from The Card Gallery to review. The card gallery have a very wide selection of Christmas cards on offer, which can be personalised. The card gallery have offered one of my readers to win 20 Christmas cards of the winners choice - in the same design. Simply enter via the rafflecopter below. This giveaway is...
Image from Last Christmas, I had the chance to review some lovely Christmas lights from LED hut, so this year when they asked if I'd like to review some Christmas lights, I of course jumped at the chance. I love this time of year, the build up to Christmas, the excitement, getting ready to put the Christmas tree and decorations up. Needless...
Monday - Sausage, egg and chips. Tuesday - Sweet chilli chicken wraps with salad Wednesday - Tuna and Pasta with salad Thursday - Beef stew with carrots, peas, broccoli and potatoes. Friday - Pizza day! Saturday - Chicken Tikka with pilau rice and naan bread Sunday - Chicken roast dinner. ...
Remember, remember the 5th of November... Yesterday was Guy Fawkes. We usually go to a display but this year we decided to have our own display! We enjoyed a really lovely buffet - Sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, scotch eggs and so on. Followed by some cakes and sweet things. The kids enjoyed the buffet while watching the fireworks that we let off! Harry...
Monday evening, I started the 30 day shred, I wanted to start on the 1st of November but I was so ill. I had either flu or a really bad cold as well as tonsillitis (I had it for well over a week) and it was not fun. So last night I started the 30 days shed and wow, do I ache!!! Although,...
Christmas is just around the corner and it's time to start getting organised! So when I was asked if I'd like to review some personalised Christmas cards from The Card Gallery, I of course said I would love to! I love all stationary and all cards but especially Christmas cards! Christmas cards really get me into the festive spirit, especially personalised Christmas cards. I...