I am very thankful for the fact that the little's break up from school this week! I can not tell you how glad I am about that. It will be lovely to have them home and have a break from the school routine. I am also thankful and happy that it's almost Easter, which means the weather should start improving very soon, we...
It is SO hard to believe that my children are growing SO fast. Especially my eldest Harry. He's going to be turning twelve years old this year. 12!!! Which means, this coming September, he;s going to be starting high school. That is just crazy! How has time gone so quick? How has he learned so much, so fast? How has it been twelve...
Yellowmoon very kindly sent us this lovely Easter Bunny Decoration Sewing Kit. Ellie was SO excited to get started on this Easter arts & crafts activity. We've never tried a sewing kit before so you can imagine how excited she was! Each sewing kit contains a pack of 3 bunnies, in 3 different colours, also included in each kit is everything you need...
Monday - Sausage, chips and baked beans. Tuesday - Spaghetti bolognase wit garlic bread. Wednesday - Tuna and pasta with salad. Thursday - Chicken curry with rice and naan bread Friday - Pizza day! Saturday - Fish, boiled potatoes and salad. Sunday - Sunday roast. ...
I've had a busy week - again! That's really nothing new. I've been everything and nothing, does that make sense? Just the usual household chores I guess. I've felt a bit run down and blahrish but I'm feeling so much better today! So anyway, my reasons to be thankful and cheerful this week... 1) Harry went on a school trip and was away...
Yesterday I deceided I would walk the long way to Iceland and Morrisons. Mainly because I'm trying to keep my steps up as I am trying to loose some weight! Anyway, the weather was mild, the kids were at school so I took a stroll a long the seafront. It's so peaceful and such a pleasant walk! I've forgot how much I enjoy...
Yellowmoon very kindly sent us these lovely Easter wands to review. My children very much enjoy arts and crafts, especially themed arts and crafts, so these Easter wands were no exception. Each packet of Easter wands includes four assorted foam designs/characters along with the foam self adhesive mosaic tiles, the wooden wand and of course the ribbons. Instructions are also included. Ellie chose...
This week I lost 2.2lbs, which means I have 4lbs to do until I reach my first goal! I think I mentioned last week how my size 10 tops are starting to fit again, which is great! Yes, I can see my flabby bits because a size 10 "hugs" me but at least I can get it on and over my boobs! I'm...
Oh wow, I have been really, really busy this past week and a half. I haven't had much time for blogging but while I have five minutes I thought I would sit down and write (schedule) a blog post - My reasons to be happy and thankful. I am sooooo happy (and glad!) to have done a proper spring clean, it's taken days...
Firstly, let me start with last weeks weight loss. I lost about 1.6lbs I think it was. Something like that anyway, I forgot to write it down! Grr. I DID expect more but I'm pleased it was a loss! This weight seems to be coming off ever so slowly. I see other blog posts and Facebook posts from people saying "I've lost 5lbs...
This weeks weight loss is another small one but none the less, it's a loss and I am happy about that! I weigh myself every Friday by the way. I've lost another 1.5lbs, which might be nearer 2lbs because I was fully dressed in jeans and a woolly jumper. I'm really pleased I've lost again this weight rather than maintain. I'm happy with...