country kids

Summer days at the park. #CountryKids

The weather really hasn't been on our side since the school holidays started last week. It has constantly rained non stop. However, we did manage to feed the ducks last week! We also found a break in the rain and managed a quick trip to the park. We weren't there very long as it started to down pour and we got very wet,...

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Monsters University Party Bags & Supplies {Review}

It's no big secret that we love birthday parties (who doesn't?!) and anything Disney, too! So when I was asked if I'd like to review children's party bags and supplies, I jumped at the chance. I chose the Monster University party bags and supplies because all three of my children adore Monsters University, especially Ellie. She is currently -anything- monsters university crazy at...

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Look in my letter box.

So this week, I've had a few goodies come in the mail. Some of this stuff I have been waiting for, for a couple of weeks or so. It finally arrived. Yay! First of all I ordered some stickers from ebay, I've been waiting for these to arrive for a little while. I bought some stickers for my snail mail and also for...

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A Photo On Sunday!

country kids

The one where we feed the greedy geese.

This last week has been a bit chaotic. With the kids breaking up from school, end of term (leavers) assembly, as Harry is leaving primary school and moving on up to high school. There has of course been end of term  picnics and school plays, there has needed to be three of me but we got through it and it was really quite...

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end of term

Schools out for summer. #LoudNProud

Yesterday my little's broke up from school for the six weeks holidays. The last few days of term is always great fun but tiring. Last week it was Ellie's end of term assembly, which was fantastic. Ellie had a couple of lines to say about South America, I am so proud that she remembered her lines and she stood up very proudly at...

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What I tell myself when I really don’t feel like working out!

I thought I would share with you my inspiration and motivating things I do and tell myself when I really don't feel like working out. Now, it's no secret that I am on a weight loss journey. I currently power walk/jog lightly at least twice a week as well as Jillian Michaels thirty day shred six days a week.I give myself a "rest"...

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arts and crafts

Boat ceramic coin banks {Review}

Yellow moon sent us these really lovely boat ceramic coin banks to review. Now, as most of you know by now, my children really love arts & crafts. In fact, they would rather be creative and make/decorate things than play on electronics and these coin banks were no exception. They seriously could not wait to get stuck into decorating these. So much that...

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