age 10

The best & worst of September.

I decided I'd write a post on all the good things and all the bad things of September. It's been a bit of a chaotic month to be honest with you. I do try to keep my blog positive and I know the positives will out weight the negatives! I've seen a lot of people write 'Best & Worst' posts and it's inspired...

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Playing nerf wars in the garden!

Now the nights are getting darker earlier and the weather is getting cooler faster, we thought we would make the most of the early evening! The kids really wanted to get there nerf guns out (which they have received as Xmas presents/Birthday presents over the last couple of years) and play with them. I think nerf guns are best played outdoors and with...

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11 things about me

11 Things Tag.

I was nominated for the eleven things tag by Reimer and Ruby. She has a lovely blog and her posts are amazing! Please do head over and say hello. 1. What best advice did you receive since you started blogging? To always be honest. Which I always am. Online and offline. Someone also told me to be as active on social media as...

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arts and crafts

Making Hedgehogs with leaf decoration kits!

Yellow moon sent us some lovely Autumnal arts and craft kits to review. The hedgehog leaf decoration kits are Ellie's favourite so we decided to make these first! Autumn is also our favourite time of the year, we were very excited to decorate these hedgehogs. What you get:  4 assorted foam hedgehogs in different colours.  Self adhesive foam pieces - leaves, nose, eyes,...

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Feeling very Autumnal.

I've said it before and I don't mind saying it again... Autumn is my absolute favourite time of year. The weather is perfect, not too hot and not too cold, cooler enough for a sweater (and a jacket at times!) but not at all what I consider cold! I love everything about Autumn, the leaves changing colour, the colours of Autumn, the high...

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age 8

The one where it's E's Birthday!

Last week, my youngest daughter turned EIGHT years old. Yes, I can't quite believe it either. Where does time go? How do they grow up so fast? Crazy isn't it! Ellie opened some of her cards and presents before school. She was super excited! She went off to school quite happy and excited to hand out her sweet treats to her class mates...

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Curlilocks and the Big Bad Hairbrush {Childrens book review}

Last year we reviewed Curlilocks and the three pink pandas, by Yolanda King. We were so excited to find out that the curlilocks series continues with 'Curlilocks and the Big Bad Hairbrush'. We were asked if we'd like to review the kindle edition of this book and I just couldn't say no because I knew how excited Ellie would be to read the...

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