Pokemon. Gotta catch 'em all!


If you don't know what PokemonGo is, where have you been?! It's a new app and game for smart phones where you have to hunt for Pokemons, it's  virtual game that's played in the real world! Quite frankly I think it's a great idea but like anything else it can be dangerous which is why it's important for me to supervise the children while they play it. I don't think we've spent so much time outside, like we have this past few days! We have been out for hours upon hours after school, chasing and hunting for pokemons.
We've discovered new places in our area, we've spotted wildlife, we've learned new things about our area and to be perfectly honest, it isn't all about playing the game. It's about exploring! Whilst playing the game of course but it's also being out in the fresh air and having fun. PokemonGo, such a simple thing and yet so much fun! It's also connected us with people - our next door neighbours little boy have been pokemon hunting with us. We've also been out on very beautiful walks with my brother and his family, whilst playing the game, we've caught up, chatted, made more plans and the kids have all had a blast together. My little niece is just adorable, her and Ellie get along very well, chasing each other and chatting, making up there own games along the way. Yes, it took one simple little app (that's turned out to be a MASSIVE THING!) to have connected us again. I'm honestly amazed, even if I am slightly a big kid for playing along with pokemon. I've also found a very, very beautiful, perfect picnic spot ready for our picnic next week!

Thursday after school I let the kids take there bikes out along the field and little lane. I know they're not wearing crash helmets because they all need new ones. Charlie's strap has broken on his, Ellie and Harry have both outgrown there helmets. I knew they were safe though, we were mostly on grass and when we did go near the road, they always walk there bikes along the path because it's very busy. To be honest, they walked with there bikes most of the time anyway because we were too busy looking for pokemons and exploring! We'll leave the bikes at home next time :) So please, please do not worry! Crash helmets are very important, yes, we do not usually go out on bicycles without them, this was purely a one off and because we were on grass and not near busy roads, I felt they were ok just this one time. I'll be purchasing new ones in the summer holidays, I'll take the kids along with me so they can try them on!
exploring with pokemongo

We were so excited to be going pokemon hunting! There were a fair few people out looking for pokemons, we stopped and chatted along the way! It was nice to see the park so busy to be honest. We live in the middle of nowhere and its never very busy. It was refreshing seeing so many people out. The kids took it in turns with my phone, to hunt for pokemons.



Ellie was chuffed to have found 'Venonat' and also 'Bulbasaur' apparently they're her favourite pokemons! Charlie found 'Caterpie' and 'Weedle' and Harry caught 'Zubat'.- I honestly don't know much about the Pokemon characters. The kids seem to know though, haha.

exploring with pokemongo

We hunted through the woods and in the park, along a little lane were we spotted some cows and perhaps a bull! Ellie was fascinated with those huge cows, bless her. We were talking about what other wildlife we'd like to see during the six weeks holidays. We are going to have so many adventures this summer!

cows in the countryside

cows in the countryside

We have really, thoroughly been enjoying getting out more! We're making it our mission to explore our whole area and countryside that surrounds us. It is such great fun!

I hope you've been enjoying the weather, too! Whether it's hunting for pokemons or not, it's so lovely to get out and explore. We're hoping to have a picnic next week - the first week of the six week holidays and go to feed the ducks! There's some baby swans on the pond and along the river, they're SO cute! Can't wait to show the kids those. :)

Sarah xXx

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  1. We've not been caught up by Pokemon ourselves. I think it's wonderful that you are getting out in the fresh air and having a blast. #mmbc

  2. This Pokemon game looks so much fun. We've not got into it but I can see why others love it so.

  3. I am loving pokemon, my OH and I have been doing a lot of walking together after dinner in the evenings. It's quite nice to spend the time together :)

  4. I'm with you all the way with this one. My grumpy screenager has had a new lease of life thanks to Pokemon Go. Now he comes out of his room and out of the house each day by bike or foot to meet up with friends in the local villages to go Pokemon hunting. I'm thrilled to see some colour in his cheeks and something to finally entice him out. Three cheers to Pokemon! As for the helmets, mine never wear them cycling round the farm, I'm just happy when they are out and about and they are past the age of falling off though lack of balance. I'm so pleased it's not just my kids benefiting from the new craze.

    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

  5. I downloaded the app but it kept crashing so gave up. I do love how it is getting people out and about though - it's brilliant to see teenagers who would usually be in front of the telly going for walks and rides! #CountryKids

  6. I wasn't sure what to make of this Pokemon Go but after reading this I can really see the benefits and think I may have to download it. Is a great way of encouraging kids to get outdoors! Sounds like you are on a good mission to explore the local area :-) #countrykids

  7. Sounds like you are using Pokemon in a very conscientious way, Sarah, and making sure the kids are safe and outdoors and having fun. It's great if it is bringing people together and getting them out of their rooms and into the open air too! #COuntrykids

  8. This is where I am a bad mother because I got the app and I register and then I forgot my password! Might need to retreive that password because I really want to inspire the little one to go out more and gotta catch them all! #countrykids

  9. I love this! I was never into Pokemon when I was younger and my girls are too young, but I have seen so much Pokemon bashing on social media. It seems such a shame as it looks like a great way to get kids (and big kids) out and about enjoying the outdoors and fresh air. Good luck with your continuing quest!


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