When my eldest, Harry was two years old. That's almost 8 years ago!! ...
My daughter had a pirate day at school :) ...
Gosh, it has been a hectic week! The kids have all had tummy bugs (This is NOT a reasons to be cheerful!). Harry had a rash appear on his face and it didn't disappear when I rubbed a glass over it! So I took him to the doctors and he had to have emergency blood tests because the doctor was concerned about the...
( The beautiful evening sky from the other night. This photo is NOT edited) ...
We went to the movies yesterday and watched World War Z in 3D. It was amazing! Lets hope if (and that's a big if!) there ever is a zombie apocalypse that the zombie's are not fast like they are in World War Z, lol. I really want to watch it again now, lol. It really was epic. I can't wait until it comes out on DVD....
Ellie at her friends Birthday party In the local soft play place. ...
I've been suffering with headaches again this week. Maybe the humidity plays a part in that. Gosh, it really HAS been humid hasn't it?! Still, I'd rather that than winter lol. I am so, so grateful for the fan in my bedroom, lol. The kids are all ok although Charlie was sick= last night, I think the heats got to him a bit....
I've joined the linky over at my friend Sarah and her husband Stuarts blog Mummy Vs Daddy. Please pop over and say Hi. And of course, join in the blog hop if you'd like ;) Anyway, here's my wish list... I wish I could move house. This house is nowhere near big enough! I wish I didn't suffer with headache/IIH. I wish I could...
Is it just me or is this week dragging? Anyway here are my reasons to be cheerful this week: 1) Tomorrow is Friday, I am *so* glad it's Friday tomorrow. Seriously can not wait for the weekend! 2) I am going to blitz my house this evening and tomorrow so that I can actually have a relaxing weekend. I'm dreading cleaning the kids...
So apparently soon GFC is going to be disappearing, which personally I think sucks but such is life. I really, really don't want to lose any of my followers because, well, you guys help make my blog what it is today, I'd totally miss each and every single one of you. It just wouldn't be the same without my lovely followers. So you...
Is it really only Wednesday?! This week is dragging by... Time seems to be going so slow. Or maybe it's just because I am really looking forward to the weekend because my fella is coming down for a few days, yay! Next Friday Ellie has to dress up in what they describe as 'dance clothes' as it's apparently 'dance day' raising money for...
I thought I would share with you the story of our cat. I wasn't planning on getting a cat but it just so happened I didn't get much choice. It all happened last June. I was sitting outside in my back garden, making the most of the sunshine. The kids were playing happily, dinner was in the oven, everything was going great! And...
So last week I actually managed to stick to the meal plan! I am really pleased with myself, lol. I actually didn't have to cook separate meals for anyone. Not once. Everyone liked everything on last weeks menu. Hopefully it'll be the same this week. Although, Ellie doesn't like anything spicy but she will eat Korma or a very, very mild curry, as...
Wow, I can't believe it's JUNE! This year is flying by. It's amazing how fast time flies by. I still can't get over the fact, that come September I'll be a mother to a year 1, year 4, and a year 5 student. Craziness. Anyway, here are my reasons to be cheerful this week: 1) The weather has been beautiful! It's been really...
It's not very often that I buy children's magazines for my kiddies to be honest. I think they're way over priced and the plastic toy usually last no longer than a day. However, there are occasions I do buy them, like when the kids are sick and in need of cheering up, or if we're going on a really long journey. I love...
This is my first week meal planning. In the past I have tried meal planning but I've found it difficult to stick with. However, perhaps if I blog about it, I won't find it so difficult. My grocery shopping day is Tuesday so planning the weeks meals on a Monday is a really good idea because it might help me budget better! And...