Gosh, it has been a hectic week! The kids have all had tummy bugs (This is NOT a reasons to be cheerful!). Harry had a rash appear on his face and it didn't disappear when I rubbed a glass over it! So I took him to the doctors and he had to have emergency blood tests because the doctor was concerned about the rash. Thankfully Harry was better the next day and the results from the blood tests came back all normal! Phew!! I was very worried.
So that's my first reasons to be cheerful - Harry's blood test coming back normal and now all the kids are over than nasty bug, Harry's rash is almost gone and all is good! Thank goodness.
My second reason to be cheerful this week is that I got to see World War Z (in 3D!) last week with my lovely fella! We had a kid free few hours, it was truly lovely and I really enjoyed the film. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I want to watch it again LOL.
Sports day is my third reason. Lovely proud mummy moments, hehe. Ellie tried so hard in her races, it was funny watching the little kids trying to run with a hoop on there head lol! Ellie came second in a couple of races and she was really good on the space hopper!
Charlie did amazing at the long jump (it was a different kind of sports day for the boys this year). Charlie has only got little legs because he's small for his age so we were surprised he jump as far as he did, I'm really proud of him, he put in such a big effort in all of his races/activities. Bless him. Harry (he's in year 4) came second out of his school for the 600m running! He got a silver medal and of course I am very proud of him, too. No idea where my kids get there sporty side from because I always hated P.E/sports at school (Mind, I didn't mind running though as I was quite good at running, lol!! not the *WAS*). Over all a really good sports day for all the kids and the weather stayed dry and warm, yay!
And of course tomorrow is Friday. It's been a lonnnng week so I am really looking forward to a relaxing weekend (hopefully...)
I hope you all have a good weekend and have some good weather, too.
Sarah. xXx
P.S I am really very behind on blogging. I've been busy doing mummy things, looking after sick children. I am SO tired, lol!
P.S I am really very behind on blogging. I've been busy doing mummy things, looking after sick children. I am SO tired, lol!
All in all it was a really good day. I haven't had that much fun for a while! It was nice just to have adult time together. =)
Gah! This weather is awful, one minute it's hot and sunny.. the next it's windy and raining. It's still humid though. Not as humid as it has been. I really hate humidity. Trying to sleep is impossible when it's really humid. It's suppose to be quite hot next week apparently, I hope it is, I have so much laundry to get dry! I only have a small tumble drier, it'll take a few days to get it all dry. It's also the kid sports day next week. Infants in the morning (that's Ellie!) followed by a picnic (Yay!) and then juniors (that's the boys) sports day in the afternoon. I'm really looking forward to it. I really hope the weather will be nice =)
Ellie was sick last night. I'm guessing she must have caught Charlie's tummy bug, thing is she didn't have a temperature and she's fine today. She was just sick once, that's all. Weird. Maybe it was the weather? Or something she ate? She had dinner at my best friends house so I don't know. Hopefully she's over that now.
The boys are both fine. I hope they've had fun at there dads this weekend. They'll be home in less than two hours. I miss them so much when they're at there dads (every Saturday until Sunday afternoon). Harry's got to go to the doctors on Tuesday because he keeps complaining that his foot hurts, like his heel and the side part of his heel. There's no bruise or anything visible. He plays a lot of football and does a lot of running/sports so perhaps he's strained it? Or pulled a muscle? It's not his shoes because he only just got new ones and he's been complaining of it for a while. I don't know but I hope it' not serious. It's not broken or anything like that. He says it's like an achey pain. We'll see what the doctor says.
Ellie has a 'dress up as a pirate' day at school on Friday. You should see her cute pirate costume, lol. I'll have to share a picture when she wears it.
Anyway, this is long. I need to go and sort the kids school uniforms out ready for tomorrow! All there school uniforms are a little small now but they break up for summer in less than a month so it's really not worth buying any more until they go back to school in September. They grow SO fast. Right anyway, I'm rambling.. lol
Sarah xXx
I've been suffering with headaches again this week. Maybe the humidity plays a part in that. Gosh, it really HAS been humid hasn't it?! Still, I'd rather that than winter lol. I am so, so grateful for the fan in my bedroom, lol.
The kids are all ok although Charlie was sick= last night, I think the heats got to him a bit. He seems ok this morning but I've kept him off school just in case.
So here are my reasons to be cheerful this week...
1) We are going to the cinema on Saturday. Child free!! We're going to see World War Z. Maybe in 3D. I can't wait!!! I've waited ages for this film to come out, lol. Also maybe have lunch somewhere first... we'll see how we do for time. I haven't been to the cinema to watch an adult movie since Breaking Dawn Part II so you can imagine how excited I am. Yay!
2) The weather. Although it has been humid, it has been lovely and sunny! I've got a bit of a tan already, even though I haven't been trying to tan lol. I'm lucky I don't burn. :)
3) I sold some bits and pieces on ebay, just random stuff I had laying around/no longer needed. I made enough money for a new phone, yay!! See, I have blackberry but it keeps freezing and the screen goes white, it switches itself off and the speaker has blown in it. The person on the other end of the phone can't hear me. So yay, finally I have enough for a new phone. Not getting nothing fancy, just a cheapy but I'm happy with that! I just want a phone that work to be honest. =p
And of course the fact that tomorrow is Friday! YAY!
What are your reasons to be cheerful this week?
Sarah xXx
The kids are all ok although Charlie was sick= last night, I think the heats got to him a bit. He seems ok this morning but I've kept him off school just in case.
So here are my reasons to be cheerful this week...
1) We are going to the cinema on Saturday. Child free!! We're going to see World War Z. Maybe in 3D. I can't wait!!! I've waited ages for this film to come out, lol. Also maybe have lunch somewhere first... we'll see how we do for time. I haven't been to the cinema to watch an adult movie since Breaking Dawn Part II so you can imagine how excited I am. Yay!
2) The weather. Although it has been humid, it has been lovely and sunny! I've got a bit of a tan already, even though I haven't been trying to tan lol. I'm lucky I don't burn. :)
3) I sold some bits and pieces on ebay, just random stuff I had laying around/no longer needed. I made enough money for a new phone, yay!! See, I have blackberry but it keeps freezing and the screen goes white, it switches itself off and the speaker has blown in it. The person on the other end of the phone can't hear me. So yay, finally I have enough for a new phone. Not getting nothing fancy, just a cheapy but I'm happy with that! I just want a phone that work to be honest. =p
And of course the fact that tomorrow is Friday! YAY!
What are your reasons to be cheerful this week?
Sarah xXx
I've joined the linky over at my friend Sarah and her husband Stuarts blog Mummy Vs Daddy. Please pop over and say Hi. And of course, join in the blog hop if you'd like ;)
Anyway, here's my wish list...
I wish I could move house. This house is nowhere near big enough!
I wish I didn't suffer with headache/IIH.
I wish I could have another cat - or lots of cats. The more the merrier but eh, it wouldn't be practical.
I wish I could lose 10lbs. That being said....
I wish it was easy to quit drinking coke-a-cola.
I wish I didn't have to get older, LOL.
I wish I could go on holiday abroad. I'd love to take the kids to spain or somewhere..
I wish I could afford a cleaner LOL. I'm sick of housework!
I wish my phone didn't keep freezing/jamming up. Argh!
I wish my fella lived closer to me *sigh*
I wish I knew what I know now, 15 years ago. (make sense?)
I wish I was able to drive! (I can't because of my eyes, plus I don't even know HOW to drive lol)
I wish I didn't suffer from anxiety and depression.
I wish I wasn't such a worrier.
I wish I was more spontaneous like I use to be.
I wish I had time to have a long hot bubble bath and wash my hair without having to rush, lol!
I wish I could give my kids everything they wanted! (Although, I wouldn't want spoiled children!)
I wish I was brave enough to speak my mind/say what I truly think.
I wish I could cure world poverty, war and hunger etc etc
What are your wishes? I'd love to read them so please pop on over to Mummy Vs Daddy and join up the linky. :)
Sarah xXx
Anyway, here's my wish list...
I wish I could move house. This house is nowhere near big enough!
I wish I didn't suffer with headache/IIH.
I wish I could have another cat - or lots of cats. The more the merrier but eh, it wouldn't be practical.
I wish I could lose 10lbs. That being said....
I wish it was easy to quit drinking coke-a-cola.
I wish I didn't have to get older, LOL.
I wish I could go on holiday abroad. I'd love to take the kids to spain or somewhere..
I wish I could afford a cleaner LOL. I'm sick of housework!
I wish my phone didn't keep freezing/jamming up. Argh!
I wish my fella lived closer to me *sigh*
I wish I knew what I know now, 15 years ago. (make sense?)
I wish I was able to drive! (I can't because of my eyes, plus I don't even know HOW to drive lol)
I wish I didn't suffer from anxiety and depression.
I wish I wasn't such a worrier.
I wish I was more spontaneous like I use to be.
I wish I had time to have a long hot bubble bath and wash my hair without having to rush, lol!
I wish I could give my kids everything they wanted! (Although, I wouldn't want spoiled children!)
I wish I was brave enough to speak my mind/say what I truly think.
I wish I could cure world poverty, war and hunger etc etc
What are your wishes? I'd love to read them so please pop on over to Mummy Vs Daddy and join up the linky. :)
Sarah xXx
Is it just me or is this week dragging?
Anyway here are my reasons to be cheerful this week:
1) Tomorrow is Friday, I am *so* glad it's Friday tomorrow. Seriously can not wait for the weekend!
2) I am going to blitz my house this evening and tomorrow so that I can actually have a relaxing weekend. I'm dreading cleaning the kids rooms as there is just stuff... EVERYWHERE. The weather has been crud lately so they've been playing in there rooms and gosh, does it show, lol! At least they are happy kids though and what's a bit of mess, right? :/ If the weathers nice I might take Ellie out somewhere, maybe the park or to feed the ducks, depends on the weather though.
3) Meal planning - Yes I started meal planning. It's going really well and it helps me budget because I know exactly what to buy! I should've done this so much sooner, lol.
What are your reasons to be cheerful this week?
So apparently soon GFC is going to be disappearing, which personally I think sucks but such is life.
I really, really don't want to lose any of my followers because, well, you guys help make my blog what it is today, I'd totally miss each and every single one of you. It just wouldn't be the same without my lovely followers. So you can Follow my blog with Bloglovin. Or you can follow me on Networked blogs. Please, if you have either bloglovin or networked blogs, let me know in a comment, so that I can follow you. I really don't want to 'lose' any of the blogs I follow, either.
You can also follow me on Twitter and like my page on Facebook where I also publish my latest posts. And remember to leave me a comment to let me know so I can follow/like you back.
Sarah xXx
P.S I am also on instagram but I don't link blog posts or anything there, just post photos :)
Is it really only Wednesday?! This week is dragging by... Time seems to be going so slow. Or maybe it's just because I am really looking forward to the weekend because my fella is coming down for a few days, yay!
Next Friday Ellie has to dress up in what they describe as 'dance clothes' as it's apparently 'dance day' raising money for charity. However, Ellie doesn't have 'Dance clothes' because well, she doesn't go to any dance clubs or anything like that. I'm really unsure what they means by 'Dance clothes' Will a dress do? Or perhaps leggins with a long sparkly top and sparkly shoes? I really can't afford to go out and buy something pacific for 'Dance day' especially after I've just had to buy her a pirate costume because it's 'pirate day' in a couple of weeks. Pirates are the topic this term. I didn't want Ellie to be the odd one out and not have a nice pirate outfit (I got it cheap on ebay, really cute, too!). Also had to pay for Charlies school trip and apparently next month Ellie has a school trip, too! I'm excited because it'll be her first school trip, yet I am also anxious, someone else taking my little girl out, without ME there. What if something happens? What if she gets lost? Omdz. I know, I was the same with the boys on there first school outings, lol (still do worry a bit if I'm honest) I can't help it, I'm a mum and it's only natural to worry, right? Like I said though, I am excited for her, too. I know she'll have a lovely time :)
Sports days are fast approaching, Ellies is in the morning followed by a lunch picnic and then the boys sports days is in the afternoon. I am SO excited, I love watching sports day, so much fun. I really hope the weather is nice. Also there will be end of the term assemblies and what not. So lots of things to look forward to. I'm also really looking forward to the summer holidays, although it's gonna be hard to keep the kids entertained for SIX whole weeks but at least we won't have any rushing around. I just hope we have good weather....
What are you most looking forward to this summer?
Sarah xXx
Next Friday Ellie has to dress up in what they describe as 'dance clothes' as it's apparently 'dance day' raising money for charity. However, Ellie doesn't have 'Dance clothes' because well, she doesn't go to any dance clubs or anything like that. I'm really unsure what they means by 'Dance clothes' Will a dress do? Or perhaps leggins with a long sparkly top and sparkly shoes? I really can't afford to go out and buy something pacific for 'Dance day' especially after I've just had to buy her a pirate costume because it's 'pirate day' in a couple of weeks. Pirates are the topic this term. I didn't want Ellie to be the odd one out and not have a nice pirate outfit (I got it cheap on ebay, really cute, too!). Also had to pay for Charlies school trip and apparently next month Ellie has a school trip, too! I'm excited because it'll be her first school trip, yet I am also anxious, someone else taking my little girl out, without ME there. What if something happens? What if she gets lost? Omdz. I know, I was the same with the boys on there first school outings, lol (still do worry a bit if I'm honest) I can't help it, I'm a mum and it's only natural to worry, right? Like I said though, I am excited for her, too. I know she'll have a lovely time :)
Sports days are fast approaching, Ellies is in the morning followed by a lunch picnic and then the boys sports days is in the afternoon. I am SO excited, I love watching sports day, so much fun. I really hope the weather is nice. Also there will be end of the term assemblies and what not. So lots of things to look forward to. I'm also really looking forward to the summer holidays, although it's gonna be hard to keep the kids entertained for SIX whole weeks but at least we won't have any rushing around. I just hope we have good weather....
What are you most looking forward to this summer?
Sarah xXx
I thought I would share with you the story of our cat.
I wasn't planning on getting a cat but it just so happened I didn't get much choice.
It all happened last June. I was sitting outside in my back garden, making the most of the sunshine. The kids were playing happily, dinner was in the oven, everything was going great! And then, my neighbour asked me if I wanted a kitten because no one else wanted her. I said I didn't really want a cat because I was already feeding a stray cat at the time, which had kind of adopted me. However, she then passed me a cardboard box and said if I didn't have the kitty she didn't know what to do with it. I took a look at this cute fluffball or black, white and ginger fur and I instantly knew the cat was very sick. A sick tortoise shell kitten. I'd say she was around four weeks old at the time. She had serious eye infections, her nose looked blocked and she just looked so small and frail. I knew I HAD to have her. I gave her a closer inspection, she had ticks and probably fleas, too! She was shaking because she was cold even though it was a good 70 degrees (F) outside. The first thing I did was fill a hot water bottle and put it in her box with a soft baby blanket and a small bowl of water. I then called my friend to see if she could watch the kids while I went and brought some kitten food (I was not prepared for a kitten). She gave me a spare litter tray that she had brought for her cat but didn't need it. I put some newspaper in and off I went to the shop (while my friend baby sat the kids) to get cat litter and cat food. (the picture on the left is when I first got Lotti)
I came home and fed our new fur baby, realised she couldn't actually lap water. Luckily enough I had an unused medicine syringe that came with Charlies old antibiotics from when he was a baby. So I syringed fed her water, ever so carefully, half a ml at a time being careful not to drown the little kitties lungs.
I introduced the kiddies to her, they all fell in love with her. She totally loves them, too. I knew then that I HAD to keep her.No matter what. She needed me. And if truth be told, I needed her too. I'll never forget the look on Ellies face and her exact words were "Is she real, she looks so fluffy and tiny" LOL. I contacted cat protection to see if I was eligible for PDSA to help contribute towards the cost of vets. I knew she'd need medicine at the very least. Thankfully I was eligible. The cat protection lady was ever so kind and even took our cat, 'Lotti' to the vets for us, knowing that I didn't drive... She's such a kind, lovely lady. Lotti was diagnosed with cat flu, eye infection in both eyes and ticks/fleas. I didn't have to pay very much towards the medicine, for cat flu, eye infections. I also treated her for ticks and fleas and of course, wormed her. Thank goodness for the PDSA though, they truly are an amazing charity. Also, so is Cat Protection. Over the next few days she did get better but then took a turn for the worst. She wouldn't eat, drink or even open her eyes. I honestly didn't think she was going to make it. I slept with her, I carried her around the house with me, I laid with her on my bed, tucked inside my dressing gown (she loves my dressing gown, even to this day!), I couldn't eat or sleep. I was SO worried about my little tiny cat. It took her weeks upon weeks to get better and four lots of antibiotics to get her better! All the time, I never took my eyes off her, even at night time I was waking to check on her. Even feeding her water every couple of hours, just a couple of ml at a time. It was like having a new born baby. She was and still is my little baby. The bond we have is amazing!
She finally started acting more like a kitten around 10 weeks old, you know the normal.. chasing figers, chomping on toes, stalking anything and everything that moves, lol. It was truly amazing to watch her get better and stronger each day. I managed to ween her to lap water herself, even if it was out of a glass, lol.
She ended up having a tummy problem a few months later, which was sorted with yet more medicine. She's also been sterilized and micro chipped now, too.
Lotti now - You would never know she was so ill as a baby kitty! She's full of life and energy, a totally spoiled cat and is one in a million. The bond we have is incredible, she instantly knows when there's something wrong with me, I instantly know when there's something wrong with her, too. I know her meows.. I know when she's hungry and when she wants a drink (She will only drink out of a glass!!! Don't ask me why, I have no idea. I still leave water in her bowl but it's always untouched, lol but that's fine, just as long as she drinks) or when she's in pain. It must sound totally daft to people when I say "I know her meows and what they mean" lol, it's true though. I guess it's because of our bond and the amount of time we've spent together.
She loves playing outside with her two "buddies" from next door. They're too tom cats, both the same age (roughly) as her. She hates fish. Have you ever known a cat to turn it's nose up to fish? Yup, even tuna! She's a fussy kitty. She LOVES chicken and turkey though. She's not keen on snow and like every other cat she doesn't like water/puddles/rain, she loves long grass and she only likes a fuss when it suits her. She sleeps IN the bed with me most nights, unless it's too hot then she sleeps on my pillow with her paws on my head, lol. (Don't ask, I don't know why she does this either lol). She also wakes me up between 5:30 and 6:30am for me to let her outside so she can do her buisness, lol! I told you, she's just like a baby lol. If I don't get up? She nibbles my toes until I do, lol! I have thought about a cat flap but errrr all the other cats would get in, lol. She also has a little bit of an attitude at times... Although I call it tortitude, haha, get it?! Tortoise shell cat... attitude combined the two words = Toritude, hahaha. I told ya I'm crazy, LOL.
I am SO glad I took her in, so, so glad. I can't imagine my life without her. We love her so much. She loves us, too!
(Oh and in case your wondering about the stray cat that I use to feed before I got my cat - someone took him in although I do still see him from time to time and of course, I can't help but give him a treat or two, hehe. There's also other neighbour hood cats that like to come around and chill in my garden, they all love a fuss. I really AM the crazy cat lady, I am not even kidding you)
I hope this post all made sense. I just wanted to document it for myself and of course share it with the world. I know I'm crazy to love a cat so much and I am totally crazy about cats, especially MY cat. She is truly spoiled rotten and in real life, I talk about my cat non stop. People really DO call me the crazy cat lady but I'm quite proud of my 'title' to be honest, I'm not ashamed to admit I love my cat (and every other cat, too! Haha)
Sarah xXx
This post is linked up with Brilliant blog posts
I wasn't planning on getting a cat but it just so happened I didn't get much choice.

I came home and fed our new fur baby, realised she couldn't actually lap water. Luckily enough I had an unused medicine syringe that came with Charlies old antibiotics from when he was a baby. So I syringed fed her water, ever so carefully, half a ml at a time being careful not to drown the little kitties lungs.


She ended up having a tummy problem a few months later, which was sorted with yet more medicine. She's also been sterilized and micro chipped now, too.
Lotti now - You would never know she was so ill as a baby kitty! She's full of life and energy, a totally spoiled cat and is one in a million. The bond we have is incredible, she instantly knows when there's something wrong with me, I instantly know when there's something wrong with her, too. I know her meows.. I know when she's hungry and when she wants a drink (She will only drink out of a glass!!! Don't ask me why, I have no idea. I still leave water in her bowl but it's always untouched, lol but that's fine, just as long as she drinks) or when she's in pain. It must sound totally daft to people when I say "I know her meows and what they mean" lol, it's true though. I guess it's because of our bond and the amount of time we've spent together.
She loves playing outside with her two "buddies" from next door. They're too tom cats, both the same age (roughly) as her. She hates fish. Have you ever known a cat to turn it's nose up to fish? Yup, even tuna! She's a fussy kitty. She LOVES chicken and turkey though. She's not keen on snow and like every other cat she doesn't like water/puddles/rain, she loves long grass and she only likes a fuss when it suits her. She sleeps IN the bed with me most nights, unless it's too hot then she sleeps on my pillow with her paws on my head, lol. (Don't ask, I don't know why she does this either lol). She also wakes me up between 5:30 and 6:30am for me to let her outside so she can do her buisness, lol! I told you, she's just like a baby lol. If I don't get up? She nibbles my toes until I do, lol! I have thought about a cat flap but errrr all the other cats would get in, lol. She also has a little bit of an attitude at times... Although I call it tortitude, haha, get it?! Tortoise shell cat... attitude combined the two words = Toritude, hahaha. I told ya I'm crazy, LOL.
I am SO glad I took her in, so, so glad. I can't imagine my life without her. We love her so much. She loves us, too!
(Oh and in case your wondering about the stray cat that I use to feed before I got my cat - someone took him in although I do still see him from time to time and of course, I can't help but give him a treat or two, hehe. There's also other neighbour hood cats that like to come around and chill in my garden, they all love a fuss. I really AM the crazy cat lady, I am not even kidding you)
I hope this post all made sense. I just wanted to document it for myself and of course share it with the world. I know I'm crazy to love a cat so much and I am totally crazy about cats, especially MY cat. She is truly spoiled rotten and in real life, I talk about my cat non stop. People really DO call me the crazy cat lady but I'm quite proud of my 'title' to be honest, I'm not ashamed to admit I love my cat (and every other cat, too! Haha)
Sarah xXx
This post is linked up with Brilliant blog posts
So last week I actually managed to stick to the meal plan! I am really pleased with myself, lol. I actually didn't have to cook separate meals for anyone. Not once. Everyone liked everything on last weeks menu. Hopefully it'll be the same this week. Although, Ellie doesn't like anything spicy but she will eat Korma or a very, very mild curry, as long as she has french stick to dip in (she doesn't like naan bread). I hope the meal plan works out again this week! It's so much easier at meal times when I know what I'm cooking in advance, it also really helps my budget! I should've done this ages ago... better late than never though, right?!
Monday - BBQ ribs with home made potato wedges and salad + french stick.
Tuesday - Pizza, fries and garlic bread.
Wednesday - Sausage, mash potato, veg (brocolii, carrots and peas) with gravy.
Thursday - Chicken Korma with rice and naan bread (or french stick in Ellies case!)
Friday - Baked potato with tuna, sweetcorn with light mayo + selection of salad
Saturday - Ellie chooses (the boys are at there dads!)
Sunday - Turkey, roast potatoes, mash potato, peas, carrots or swede, parsnip, Yorkshire pudding with gravy
Wow, I can't believe it's JUNE! This year is flying by. It's amazing how fast time flies by. I still can't get over the fact, that come September I'll be a mother to a year 1, year 4, and a year 5 student. Craziness. Anyway, here are my reasons to be cheerful this week:
1) The weather has been beautiful! It's been really sunny and warm. The sunshine always makes me happy. I took the kids pond dipping last week, I'll be linking up with #countrykids this week. I'm also planning a surprise BBQ for the kiddies after school tomorrow, only a mini BBQ but they'll enjoy it!
2) I gave away two black bin liners of my old clothes to charity! Some of it was really, really hard to part with but I figured I never wear it and someone else could make good use of it. It was all really good stuff, in good condition. I love getting rid of things I don't need and giving to charity! I'm well on my way to becoming more organised.
3) The fact that tomorrow is Friday! Looking forward to a lay in on Sunday, lol! I say lay in, I can only ever sleep until 8am at the very latest. But eh, it's a lay in to me :) Not quite sure on plans for the weekend yet but I'm sure I'll think of something. The boys are going to there dads on Saturday so perhaps I can do something special with Ellie. :)
What are your reasons to be cheerful this week? Why not join in the blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Mich over at mummy from the heart. =)
Sarah xXx
1) The weather has been beautiful! It's been really sunny and warm. The sunshine always makes me happy. I took the kids pond dipping last week, I'll be linking up with #countrykids this week. I'm also planning a surprise BBQ for the kiddies after school tomorrow, only a mini BBQ but they'll enjoy it!
2) I gave away two black bin liners of my old clothes to charity! Some of it was really, really hard to part with but I figured I never wear it and someone else could make good use of it. It was all really good stuff, in good condition. I love getting rid of things I don't need and giving to charity! I'm well on my way to becoming more organised.
3) The fact that tomorrow is Friday! Looking forward to a lay in on Sunday, lol! I say lay in, I can only ever sleep until 8am at the very latest. But eh, it's a lay in to me :) Not quite sure on plans for the weekend yet but I'm sure I'll think of something. The boys are going to there dads on Saturday so perhaps I can do something special with Ellie. :)
What are your reasons to be cheerful this week? Why not join in the blog hop which is hosted by the lovely Mich over at mummy from the heart. =)
Sarah xXx
It's not very often that I buy children's magazines for my kiddies to be honest. I think they're way over priced and the plastic toy usually last no longer than a day. However, there are occasions I do buy them, like when the kids are sick and in need of cheering up, or if we're going on a really long journey. I love that kids magazines have little word searches and puzzles that keep mine entertained for a few minutes. Along with some short stories. Sometimes the kids will ask if they can spend there pocket money on the latest magazine, especially if they come with a pack of the latest cards that are the new 'collectibles' or stickers. Oh my kiddies do love stickers! Of course, it's up to them what they spend it on... My grandparents sometimes buy them a magazine, too!
After a while though (and that's usually a very short while) they get bored with there magazine and toss them to one side. We end up with a small stack of magazines and no idea what to really do with them because the kids NEVER want me to throw them away "We'll look at them again one day" they always protest. Me, knowing full well that they won't. They like to hoard stuff (no idea where they get it from. Honest, lol!) They do like to 'recycle' them though, in a fun way. We cut out the pictures and make a bigger picture with them, adding in paints and glitter and any stickers we have left over:
After a while though (and that's usually a very short while) they get bored with there magazine and toss them to one side. We end up with a small stack of magazines and no idea what to really do with them because the kids NEVER want me to throw them away "We'll look at them again one day" they always protest. Me, knowing full well that they won't. They like to hoard stuff (no idea where they get it from. Honest, lol!) They do like to 'recycle' them though, in a fun way. We cut out the pictures and make a bigger picture with them, adding in paints and glitter and any stickers we have left over:
Ellie made that one last year, with some help from me of course. We used an old magazine which had all the colouring pages coloured, all stories read at least five times and all puzzles completed. Rather than me try and sneak it into the recycle bin, we recycled it in a fun way! Now she can keep her favourite pictures from her magazine forever and I have something sparkly, cute and fun on my fridge. I love getting involved with the kids, especially when it involves arts and crafts. They love arts and crafts as much as I do!
Doesn't her magazine picture make the perfect fridge art?
Sarah xXx
This is my first week meal planning. In the past I have tried meal planning but I've found it difficult to stick with. However, perhaps if I blog about it, I won't find it so difficult.
My grocery shopping day is Tuesday so planning the weeks meals on a Monday is a really good idea because it might help me budget better! And be more organised. Ha! I can hope... Anyway, here's our meal plan for this week:
Monday - Fish fingers, chips and beans.
Tuesday - Home made kebabs. Grilled chicken breast in pita with a selection of salad (Lettuces, cucumber, tomatoes, spring onion, red onion, coleslaw etc) and a selection of sauces (BBQ, Chilli, ketchup, salad cream & mayo)
Wednesday - Sausage & mash with veg and gravy.
Thursday - BBQ (weather permitting, if not we'll have it inside cooked on the cooker, lol)
Friday - Chicken burgers with fries and salad.
Saturday - Ellie can pick (the boys are at there dads)
Sunday - Roast chicken, roast potatoes, peas, carrots, roast parsnips, mash potato and gravy.
Sarah xXx