
Reasons to be cheerful (Week 9)

I've been MIA this week regarding my blog but I have been busy. Busy how I'm not sure, just haven't seemed to have much time this week for some reason. It's taken a while to get back into routine after half term. Does anyone else have this trouble after half term, or is it just us? We LOVE our routine but it's been...

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Silent Sunday

aged 5

Saturday is caption day!

A pic of my daughter (and boys in the background!)  Taken last Monday! :)  ...

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Reasons to be cheerful (Week 8)

I've linked up with Seasiderinthecity this week. She's hosting the reasons to be cheerful blog hop while Mich is away :-) So here are my reasons to be cheerful this week: 1) It's half term. The start of this week we had some beautiful weather. I took the kids to the park on Monday, they had a great time! It was really mild weather &...

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Picture perfect. A trip to the park

We've been enojying the nice weather we've had the past two days!  Yesterday we went for a walk and to the play park! It was lovely and sunny. Chilly but sunny! I love the sunshine. I have MISSED the sunshine and so has my little loves.  The kids had a wonderful time and we even had a game of football! We watched sticks...

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Brain Awareness week

Idiopathic Intacranial Hypertension

- Blue and Green ribbon for IIH.   I hope this makes sense, it's diffcult to explain and put into words. Idiopathic Intacranial Hypertension (IIH) also known as, Benign Intacranial Hypertension or Pseudotumor. Is a rare brain disease, every 1 or 2 people in 100,000 people suffer form this rare disease. I am one of those people. The pressure around the brain builds up and...

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silent sunday

Silent Sunday

Blog hop

Saturday is caption day!

H, my eldest all ready for his Valentines Disco!  I Joined in with mammasaurus's Saturday caption blog hop! :)  ...

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Keep calm, it's half term!

Thank goodness it's Friday is all I can say!!! And today my little loves broke up for half term. Woohoo! No more school runs for a whole week! Yay! We have a few plans for the half term and activities planned, a couple depend on the weather, though. I'm looking forward to some family time, movies and such. I really would love to...

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arts and crafts

Reasons to be Cherful (week 7)

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!  I hope you enjoy your day, which ever way you plan on spending it.  Mich, who usually hosts the reasons to be cheerful has taken a break for Lent so Seasider In The City has taken over until Easter :-)  I'm not having a good day (I won't go into that now though!) so I really ought to remind myself of reasons...

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arts and crafts

Home made Valentines Cards.

We made Valentines cards today! The kids LOVE painting!  As you can see my purple paint mixing didn't go to plan, lol! Too much red I think.  We made heart stamps from toilet roll tubes... E, my youngest thought this was great fun! She loved making "heart patterns", awww.  We also used tissue paper, paint and glitter to make roses This was such...

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Pancake day!

Mmmmm. Pancake day, one of my favourite days of the year, lol. We love pancakes in this house.  I was woken up this morning by my middle son (who is 7 years old!) yelling "Mummmmyyyy it's pancake day, YESSSSS" LOL. We have pancakes throughout the year, not just on pancake day. But pancakes ON pancake day seem to taste better apparently... according to...

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book review

Oh Monday, Monday...

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Just a quick post from me.  You can now follow me via networked blogs, the widget can be found over on the left side bar, if you would like to follow me >>  I also created a Facebook page for my blog which can be found here.  This weekend has been very chilled and relaxed, I've...

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silent sunday

Silent Sunday

(Photo taken by me last Summer)  ...

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25 Random facts about me.

I've seen a few other people do this so I thought I'd give it a go, I'll do as many facts as I can.  1) My favourite colour is purple. I love anything purple.  2) I couldn't live without my e-reader but I could quite easily live without my mobile phone.  3) I love Walkers sensations, the chilli flavour crisps, mmm.  4) I...

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Saturday is caption day

This photo was taken last summer. ...

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Contact me

PR Friendly & Disclosure.

I am a PR friendly family/mummy blogger. Me and my little loves really enjoy reviewing, learning about and testing out new things. My blogs interests are: Toys, books, games, dvds, music, learning etc.  XBOX console accessories/games. (the kids are minecraft crazy, lol!) Gadgets, electrical appliances and technology Android apps/Kindle apps Home keeping and home improvements  Electronics/kitchen appliances etc. Books and movies Food and...

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Blog hop

Reasons to be cheerful (week 6)

I liked up with the lovely Mich over at Mummy from the heart, again this week. Please checkout her diary and the other blogs that have joined in with #R2BC. :) My reasons to be cheerful this week are...  ♥ I am feeling MUCH better now, I'm still a little chesty but I don't feel rough! I feel more like myself which has improved...

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February book reviews.

(Image from google)  Shadows of the workhouse by Jennifer Worth I really, really enjoyed this book even though it was heartbreaking in places. A truly amazing memoir of a midwife in the 1950's.   She shares some of her experiences and tells us what life was like in the workhouse and after the workhouse, we learn a lot about the people who worked in...

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aged 5

An easy make, pretty, cute box!

Ellie wanted a "secret box" (memory box) that she could keep her favourite school work in, her birthday cards and other random little things like certificates. So we made one!  We covered a show box in pretty wrapping paper. And I wrote a label.  She is really pleased with it! And it matches her curtains in her bedroom.  It only took five minutes,...

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silent sunday

Silent Sunday

(I took this photo last year when we went to the zoo.) ...

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Saturday is caption day!

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