Today we did an EAster egg hunt. I know it's only good Friday and therefore a little early, but you see, the boys are going to there dads this Easter (From tomorrow until Easter Monday). I had them during Christmas AND New year so I can't really complain. So we had our Easter egg hunt early! And let me say, the weather was...
This week was a good week, yay! Not so much weather wise but in other things... Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week :) 1) I am finally re decorating my front room, at last!! I know I'll have to wait until I've saved enough for laminate flooring but that's ok! The first layer of paint has been painted, second coat...
I brought this 'sun catcher' from Tesco for £1. I thought it'd be fun for the kids to make. It came with a little paint set & paint brush. Here's Harry's one he made (as part of his home work - something 3D and Easter related) The front. The back. We also decorated more polystyrene eggs: Here's Harrys one (again, part of his...
Gosh, isn't it cold? I said to myself I wouldn't keep moaning about this cold weather but my goodness, it's so cold. We're a few days away from April and it's still like January outside! Eek! A white Easter? I hope not. I have a leaky roof above my bedroom window and I have a big bowl catching the drips of water. I...
(Taken a few weeks ago when we had a couple of nice spring days! I can not wait for the snow to goooooo!!) ...
We woke up this morning to yet more snow. It's more like December rather than March! Eek! This snow and cold weather is really getting me down. I so, so want spring and warm weather. I had to go to the shop this morning, the paths were so slippery! It didn't stop me from taking pictures though. My daughter actually enjoyed the snowy...
(My daughter wearing her ear muffs! This pic was taken a couple of weeks ago) *** ...
1) It's spring. Although the weather is still cold and it's tried to snow a couple of times yesterday, the sun HAS been making an appearance! I can not wait for it to warm up though. 2) It's almost the weekend, yay! I can't wait for the weekend, seriously. This week has really dragged and I have been so busy doing every day stuff....
I brought a packet of chick cards from The range. The kids enjoyed painting them. Here's Ellies one: Lots of yellow poster paint! (she had some help from her biggest brother, hehe) We glued on an eye! She made this one for her teacher, hehe. Charlie wanted to design his own card, aww. And we also made some of these. Also purchased these...
My kitty - Lotti. She was around 5 months old I think. (Last November) ...
H - my eldest. (This pic was taken a few weeks ago when we had some lovely weather! Sarah xXx ...
Hannah over at created this tag! Rachel over at tagged me! I loveeee being tagged, it gives me something to think about and actually blog about, lol! Also gives my readers a chance to get to know me a little better =) I know I'm not a beauty blogger as such but I do love my makeup and beautifying (is that even a word?) when...
Well, this week has certainly been full of ups and downs, smiles and frowns but I think there's been more smiles than anything else. 1) It was my boys parents evening a couple of days ago. H got VERY good grades and is number 1 for effort! I am *so* pleased. He's one of the best behaved students in his class, he listens, he knuckles down and...
Ugh, I can not believe it's snowing! In March!! It's not just snow though, it's SO windy which makes it feel so much colder than it is! School runs in that are no fun, I can tell ya! Today has been one of *those* days. The weather really is not helping one bit. I've really had enough of winter now, I need it...
(Dressed as goldilocks) ...
(taken on world book day at home because his school didn't dress up on world book day! Boo.) ...
This is a photo of my daughter in 2010, she was a little over three years old. I love this photo, it was such a fun day! We use to live next to a woodland (literally right next door), we use to walk thru those woods daily! E (my little girl) use to love throwing the leaves up in the air and then watch...
I'll try to think of some reasons to be cheerful. I have a bit of a cold and a banging headache so am not in the best of spirits right now. Thinking of reasons to be cheerful might cheer me up. 1) We had a lovely couple of days weather wise here. It was nice to hang washing on the line. Shame...
Welcome to my March book review post for the #50books2013. I got a kindle fire for my birthday so I have been busy transferring my books onto that and I have had to edit my book list a little but that's ok. I really love my Kindle fire!! I can read in the dark, yay! I must admit though, last month I did read a...
A couple of weeks ago I won a personlised planner from Mumreinvented hosted the rafflecopter competition. I offered to do a review on the product. I seriously love it, so, so much! (My best win yet!) I really needed a new planner as I hadn't got around to buying one for this year yet and with all my up coming appointments and having kids, the...
So if you read my #R2BC post you'll know that on Wednesday some of my family - my mum, step dad, brother, nanna and granddad came over to see me! They treated us to a chinese take out. 'Twas yummy. It was a really nice treat for my birthday and so, so nice to see everyone, I hadn't seen any of my family since the...
This photo was taken during half term ...