
Round up! I love...


1. What’s your favourite post you have posted this past fortnight?
a windy trip to the seaside is my favourite post this fortnight.We've also been and fed the ducks, been to the park. Got chased by swans & had a picnic along the river bank! It's been a lovely half term.

2. Share with us a post you have loved reading from someone else this past fortnight.
It has to be Mama owls post 'What Am I doing' I can totally relate!

3. What TV shows are you enjoying at the moment?
The Walking Dead. Omg, I LOVE this T.V show so much... I seriously can't get enough of it! If a zombie apocalypse breaks out, I'm totally certain I could survive, haha.
I keep meaning to catch up with The Vampire Diaries, I am so behind on that show.
My favourite show though, has to be 'Call The Midwife' I wish I lived in the 1950's! I love the clothes, the way the community helps each other. It's so brilliantly acted and the props are awesome.

4. What are you most looking forward to about spring (or the next upcoming season)?
I can't wait for spring! Seriously can not wait! To be able to take the kids to the park and for walks along the beach. TO NOT GET SOAKING WET when picking the kids up from school! (Why does it always start pouring down just as I step out of the door to collect the kids. Every.Single.Time)
I also would like to plant some flowers and seeds in pots again, like I did last year. And to not have to put my heating on.. And hang the washing on the line. Ahh, I can not wait for spring!

5. What is your favourite type of blog post to read?
 Honestly? I'll give anything a read! I do like reading every day life posts though & I don't mind a good debate.. I enjoy reading reviews, too!  

 This post is linked up with Life in a break down. / I love my round up!

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  1. I love The Walking Dead as well! I so want the all to get back together though - I don't like them being apart :(.

    Thank you so much for linking up with us :)xxx


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