I've actually read one book this month! I've missed reading so much. I've read 23 (or 24?) books in total this year, so far. I really would LOVE to reach 50 but we'll see how that goes. Also, please don't forget to tweet me your book review posts (or use the #50books2014 hash tag) before 30th September so I can add them to...
We had an absolutley amazing summer. Fulled with lots of fun! We had man trips to the Park and lots of outdoors games - football being the main on! Charlie turned NINE years old! Wow. I can't believe how fast he's growing up. Madness. He had a wonderful Birthday. We were also lucky enough to go to Liverpool and visit Speke Hall during...
Gosh, I'm a bit late posting this but never mind, at least it's still Monday, right?! Monday - Chicken curry with rice, chips and naan bread. Tuesday - Spag bol with garlic bread. Wednesday - Chicken pasta salad with french stick bread. Thursday - Pizza day! Friday - Pork chops, mash, peas, served with gravy. Saturday - New potatos, fish and salad. Sunday...
ZOOBs are a snack that are made from healthy vegetables: beans, carrots, tomatoes, peas, onions and chickpeas. These healthy treats are lower in salt and fat than traditional crisps and high in fiber, which is not only healthy but it keeps hungry bellies fuller for longer! They also contain protien, too! ZOOBs don't contain any artificial colours or preservatives. We were sent the...
The people at suppose.com sent us the LEGO movie to review! It's no big secret that my children really enjoy LEGO. A LOT. They also really enjoy movies, so you can imagine how excited they were to watch and review the LEGO movie. We all sat down together, as a family to watch The Lego Movie. Which is the first ever full length...
Linked up with: The B&W project #MySundayPhoto ...
I have lost a little bit of weight this, probably only a couple of pound at the most. But, I could be doing a lot better! I NEED to make myself use the exercise bike every day/evening. I need to get back into it. I have however, been walking A LOT. Yesterday I wanted 5.5 miles in total! Not bad. I have a...
Last week was Ellie's seventh Birthday! Wow. I can't believe that my baby is girl is seven. She's seven going on seventeen, haha. She opened some of her presents before school and took some sweets to school to share with her class mates. After school she got to open more of her presents and her best friend came around for a special birthday...
Monday - Burgers, fries with baked beans Tuesday - Mexican chicken wraps with salad Wednesday - Home made meat balls with spaghetti and garlic bread. Thursday - Sausage, mash, peas served with gravy. Friday - Pizza day. Saturday - Chicken curry (or korma) with pilau rice and naan bread. Sunday - Sunday roast. What's on your meal plan this week? Sarah xXx ...
Guys, I have been SO ill this weekend. All day Saturday, for over twelve hours I kept vomiting and then Ellie came down with whatever I had! Thankfully she was only sick a couple of times and woke up Sunday morning bright eyed and bushy tailed. Thank goodness. Yesterday, I still didn't feel right, I felt sick most of the day and dizzy....
It's no big secret that I have gained weight in the last year and a half, probably around a stone and a half. I am 5ft3 and weigh around 10-10.5 stone (around 140 off pounds). I don't know exactly how much I have gained and I don't know exactly how much I weigh, I am not going to be weighing myself regularly, I'm...
So the little's went back to school just over a week ago and I am really pleased to say that they have settled in very well! It took Ellie a few days to properly settle back into school. She started in year two and found it hard to focus and concentrate the first few days. She's ever so dreamy and goes off into...
It's no secret that I love taking photos. I take photos everywhere I go, of everything! I love sharing them on facebook and instagram and even on my blog! So when Picstick asked me if I'd like to review these very awesome photo magnets I of course jumped at the chance! PicStick are a lovely company that transforms your photos into magnets! It's...
Monday - Chicken, fries and spaghetti hoops. Tuesday - Home made lasagne (Ellie's fave as it's her Bday!) Wednesday - Tuna and pasta with salad. Thursday - All day breakfast! Friday - Pizza day. Saturday - Chicken curry with rice and naan bread. Sunday - Toad in the hole with veg and gravy. What's on your meal plan this week? Linked up with at...
I've got SO many photos of the sky, it's hard to choose which one to link up with #TheGallery. I thought about linking up some of our red arrow photos or perhaps our photos of the beautiful blue sky along the river. I think I really like this photo best though. I love the colours. It's such a warm sunset! The picture really...
Oh my goodness. I totally suck at these round ups! I have just been SO busy! Anyway, please add your book reviews to the linky below. I honestly haven't even had time to pick up a book for goodness knows how long, so I have nothing to add! I will do better next month though and be back to normal with the round...
Monday - Fish fingers, home made chips and baked beans. Tuesday - Sausage, mash and peas with gravy Wednesday - Chicken curry, with rice and naan bread. Thursday - Spag Bol. Friday - Chicken salad. Saturday - Pizza day! Sunday - Sunday roast. ...
So, it's that time of year again where the kids go back to school. It's really bittersweet because I of course miss my little darlings but it's nice to get back into a routine and it's also nice that I can get things done around the house without being interrupted but gosh, I do not like the quiet when they're at school. I...
I know that it's currently still technically "summer" but the weather is starting to change and the kids go back to school shortly, I really wanted to get a head start on our Autumn bucket list! Autumn is my favourite time of year, I love it! The colours, the smells, wooly jumpers, ankle boots & cozy nights! Oh and HALLOWEEN! I never really...
A couple of weeks ago, we went to the airshow. We don't live very far from the beach, which is where the air show was hosted! We got to the seafront around lunch time and ate some chips in one of the little gardens along the seafront. You can not beat chips along the seafront, it's one of favourite things to do! And...