
The first week back at school!


So the little's went back to school just over a week ago and I am really pleased to say that they have settled in very well! 

It took Ellie a few days to properly settle back into school. She started in year two and found it hard to focus and concentrate the first few days. She's ever so dreamy and goes off into her own little world. She was also not listening to the teacher/getting her work done but she seems to have settled in now and has been concentrating and listening! She has the same teacher as last year, which is good and she also has the same class mates. I'm glad they didn't split the classes up this time. That really unsettled Ellie last year. She seems to really like her new class room! I am so glad she's settled back into routine and getting on better at school. She is only (almost) seven, so I think she's doing rather well!

Ellie also been doing her homework and reading, which pleases me. It actually seems like she gets excited about her homework, aww. That's a lovely achievement, to have her excited about homework, bless.
Ellie is going to do a couple of after school clubs this term. She got invited to do 'Maths' club and she wants to do arts & crafts. She's on the waiting list for cooking, there was limited spaces and unfortunately, Ellie didn't get in this term. Still though, she pleased be doing arts and crafts, as well as maths! Bless her.

Homework time

The boys have both settled into there new classes and really like there new teachers! There classes were all split up but they seem to still have lots of friends/have made new ones, which is a good thing. I've met Harrys teacher already and she seems really nice! I'm yet to meet Charlie's teacher, perhaps tomorrow after school, if she has time :)
Both boys are doing football and other sports clubs after school! Charlie would also like to do music but I think he may have to go on a waiting list. We'll see It's good because the school will provide the instruments.

Back to school

I've filled out Harry's application form for high school (I still cannot believe it's his last year of Primary school! It feels like he only just started! Time goes too fast). I also can't believe Charlie is in year five, Whoa, they're all growing up fast.

We seem to be settling back into the school routine really well! Thank goodness for routine, I love it. I'll be honest though, I am not a fan of early morning -neither is Harry- but it's nice to be back into routine! I really do miss the kids when they're at school though, the house isn't quite the same without them.

I am SO proud of them all. I know it's not easy going back to school after six, long, fun, exciting weeks off school. Especially for Ellie but she's settling in really well now. I'm incredibly proud of them all :) 

How are your little ones settling back into nursery/school routine? Let me know in the comments.

Sarah xXx

P.S Please follow me on instagram for more pics! 

mad mid week blog hop 
Loud N Proud 

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  1. Aw, so glad your children are all settling back into school so well and it's great that Ellie is enjoying her homework. #MMWBH

  2. Glad to hear they're doing well. It's such a relief when you know they're coping with school!

  3. Well done kids, sounds like they're doing brilliantly in their new classes this term! Thanks for linking up to #loudnproud x

  4. ah bless them! The start of school can be such hard work can't it? Hope the enthusiasm lasts! xx x

  5. Ahhh so cute she is enjoying her homework Glad they are back and settling in nicely. That always is a bonus. Love the fall theme on your blog. Looks great. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  6. They are adorable and it's such a big change after the summer, my eldest started school which was huge for us all and youngest starting nursery-the other day was tough going leaving him! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x


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