
And it's airshow time!


red arrows

A couple of weeks ago, we went to the airshow. We don't live very far from the beach, which is where the air show was hosted!

We got to the seafront around lunch time and ate some chips in one of the little gardens along the seafront. You can not beat chips along the seafront, it's one of favourite things to do! And a really nice treat.

It was SO busy but we didn't let that put us off. We went for a walk around after we'd had something to eat, just before the airshow started!

There were lots of stalls and raffles, things for sale and what not. It was fab! The kids had a lovely time, too.

We watched rescue helicopters 'rescue' people from the sea (who wern't really in danger, they were just demonstrating). We also learned a lot about how rescues happens and a lot about the helicopters and pilots, too. Such good fun & educational, too.

There was also all kind of airplanes and war planes demonstrating. We learned a lot about those, too! It was amazing watching the planes fly over the water and do all kinds of stunts.

Can you guess what our favourites were?

red arrows @ ups and downs, smiles and frowns
red arrows

 THE RED ARROWS!! Now, they really were awesome.Watching the red arrows display was.. I don't really know how to describe it, it was just incredible. They made a fountain shape with there smoke and a heart shape high in the sky. The kids really LOVED the smoke, the red, blue and white, they looked so pretty! Charlie was totally in awe with them. Ellie was more interested in play8ing in the sand LOL and Harry was like "Wow those pilots are so brave".
It was lovely at the end, when the red arrows were leaving and the whole beach was cheering and clapping! Was rather amazing. 

red arrows

The kids also got to burn off energy on the beach, build some sand castles and have a little look around all the different stalls. We didn't win on the raffle but I did treat the kids to a little something each :) Bless 'em. We can't wait to go again next year!! Such a cheap, fun day out.

Ups and downs, smiles and frowns. Red arrows.

Over all we had a fantastic time!

Sarah xXx

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  1. I love air shows, how cool is the love heart in the sky :)

    Stopping by from #CountryKids :)

  2. Wonderful to have those lovely clear blue skies to enjoy the air show. There is something very special about a display with the Red Arrows. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

  3. It looks like you had a fantastic day out! So much to see! Fab photos x

  4. What a great day. My hubby and son would be very jealous, I know they'd love to see that! The pics are great.
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

  5. Wow what an amazing day and show-they are so clever! Love the heart! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x

  6. I love a good air show and the sky was certainly in your favour it was so blue it made it even more stunning in your pictures

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments (sorry im late getting round)

  7. I love the red arrows but haven't seen them in years. I must get to an air show that they are in at some point next summer.


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