
The one where I need to get fit and loose weight.


It's no big secret that I have gained weight in the last year and a half, probably around a stone and a half. I am 5ft3 and weigh around 10-10.5 stone (around 140 off pounds). I don't know exactly how much I have gained and I don't know exactly how much I weigh, I am not going to be weighing myself regularly, I'm going to go by how my clothes fit. In the past I HAVE gone by how much I weigh and I end up just not eating and then binge eating on the wrong kind of foods - weighing myself is not the way to go for me at this time. I might weigh myself once every so often, when I KNOW I've lost weight. I know it might sound strange to some people but to me, it makes sense.

Now, while I know that I'm not by any means HUGE, I am certainly not -what I call- small. I've ALWAYS been a size 8-10 (waste) and 10-12 on top (thanks to my boobs), even when pregnant! I know as you get older, it's possible to gain weight and for metabolism to slow down and so on, it's time to start taking care of myself! This is the "biggest" I've ever been and I do not like it one bit. It's time to be honest, my size 10 jeans do no longer fit and I've noticed that size 12 are a little tight around my thighs (Although Tesco and peacocks size 12 are a little baggy in fact - depends where you buy from clothes from I guess, sizes vary). I have some really, really nice clothes in smaller sizes, which I would love to fit into. My first aim is though, for my size 12 from NEXT to fit me perfectly. And then I'll concentrate on the rest. THEY do fit but I feel uncomfortable around my thighs. They even look "ok" but I'm just not very confident wearing them. Do you know what I mean?

I am aiming to do 10,000 steps a day and eat healthy. I'm not going to count calories, just eat healthy. 10,000 steps should be easy for me as I walk EVERYWHERE and I do more housework and whatever else. I also have an exercise bike that I plan on using, I'll start off slowly and work my way up to a longer time/distance. I'll keep a weekly log of how much exercise I do and share it every Wednesday with the will will do it linky. 
I will say this - I really AM going to stick to this, I am SO determined to loose weight and fit into my winter clothes again. I NEED to do this.

Who else is trying to get fit or loose weight? Does anyone have any tips or advice they'd like to share with me? I'd love to hear your ideas. Or perhaps progress stories? Let me know in the comments :)

Sarah xXx

We Will Do It! Support Linky on The Purple Pumpkin Blog

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  1. Thanks for joining in with the support linky #WWDISL, the more people who take part, the more support we'll all receive, not matter what our goals and journeys are, we all want to lose weight. Do you have a step monitor (there's probably an app these days that does it!) I need to get myself one, as they really do spur you on to walk more. I remember just walking around the garden more than once just to get the last few hundred steps in!! xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by :)

      I do have a step monitor, I actually have one to review, which couldn't have come at a better time. I really am determined to loose weight, get fit and be healthy. I seriously NEED to do this. Love your linky, lots of inspiration and support. I'll spread the word about your linky, too :) xx

  2. I started my diet again at the same time as Michelle. It started well, and then the end of the week hasn't been that great. I struggle to get in the exercise as my job is sedentary, and even if I go for a walk into town at lunch, and walk to the other office for a meeting, I still don't hit anywhere near 10000 steps. I do love my fitbit though, it really helps keep an eye on what you're doing.

  3. I love the name of your blog! I'm trying to lose weight. I have had a difficult time the past couple years and suffering from a long term illness so losing the baby weight never happened. I'm a bit better now so trying to start again. Trying out Jillian Michaels dvd's and watching what i eat a bit more. I want to fit back in my old clothes too! xx

  4. I also want to get fit and I started running. Its a hard journey but I was able to enjoy it. I am a runner for one year now. Goodluck! I am a new reader/follower and I'm loving your blog. I hope you keep in touch.xoxo!

    Qing's Style

  5. Trying to loose weight this end! Was amazed to find out that most of my calorie intake was from the sugar I put in my tea! So from tomorrow I am cutting that out!
    Thank you for linking up with the #WeekendBlogHop

    Laura x x x

  6. I have done something similar to you over the last year and I have put on too much weight. I am the same about weighing myself too! I have decided to get healthy by eating less carbs (she says, eating a bowl of pasta!), have more fresh juice and exercise regularly :) Good luck with yours and thank you for linking to PoCoLo :) x


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