
The one where it's E's Birthday.


Last week was Ellie's seventh Birthday! Wow. I can't believe that my baby is girl is seven. She's seven going on seventeen, haha.
She opened some of her presents before school and took some sweets to school to share with her class mates.


ups and downs, smiles and frowns

Birthday Girl.

After school she got to open more of her presents and her best friend came around for a special birthday tea and of course - Birthday cake!

Ellie had a wonderful Birthday, she got SO many presents! Lots of frozen stuff, arts & crafts, stationary and so on! She had a really, really lovely Birthday!

I didn't have time to bake a cake so I brought this giant cupcake one from morrisons! Ellie LOVED it and it tasted amazing!

I still can't believe my baby is SEVEN! *SOB*

They grow up so fast, don't they?!

Sarah xXx

(P.S for more pics, follow me on instagram - I also follow back!)

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  1. Aww! It looks like she had a fantastic birthday!
    Happy belated birthday to your girl x

  2. Happy birthday :-) my eldest was 10 last week, time really does go by too quickly doesn't it x #PointShoot

  3. Aww Happy Birthday Ellie from another Ellie, my son is 7 next year I am dreading it, they certainly do grow up far too quick! Thanks for linking up to #magicmoments

  4. That cake looks yummy! Happy birthday Ellie :)

  5. Aww bless her, what a lucky girl and she looks like she had a wonderful day! Thanks so much for linking up with #MMWBH x


  6. I actually remember being 7, such a good age! And looks like your little girl has had the best start to her 7th year ;) xx #weeklywednesday

  7. She looks very happy and so grown up. Happy Birthday

  8. Happy birthday beautiful little one! 7 years WOW! They grow up so fast don't they? Great post. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  9. Aww, what a pretty little girl and what great gifts! My son turned 7 last month, it's way too grown up for my liking! Feels like he should only be about 4!

  10. What a lucky girl, hope she had a fantastic birthday! #weeklylinky

    (PS. first time I've visited your blog - it's gorgeous!)

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  11. Oh how lovely to have presents waiting at home for you after school! Hope she had a wonderful birthday x x x x

  12. Fabulous looking bday tea! She looksmsongrownnyo my midge will be 7 in January it's scary how time flies ! I think our two would get on very well haha xx

  13. looks like she got lots of nice presents, i cant believe she is seven either!

  14. She's gorgeous and what fab presents! http://honestmum.com/brilliant-blog-posts-september-25th-2014/

  15. Sorry shouldn't have included the link, my new computer is causing problems, thanks for linking up!

  16. Looks like she had a great birthday! #magicmoments


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