
The sky. #TheGallery


I've got SO many photos of the sky, it's hard to choose which one to link up with #TheGallery. I thought about linking up some of our red arrow photos or perhaps our photos of the beautiful blue sky along the river. I think I really like this photo best though. I love the colours. It's such a warm sunset! The picture really doesn't do it any justice if I'm honest. I sat outside for a good half an hour just watching the sky change colours, it was beautiful!



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  1. Beauitful red sky. Signs of a beautiful day tomorrow.

  2. Gorgeous sky. Red sky at night a shepherd's delight x

  3. it is a nice photo but it's so annoying when you know how amazing it was to see for real and the photo doesn't do that justice.

  4. Those are gorgeous shots! I love a red sky!


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