
When mums are sick...


Guys, I have been SO ill this weekend. All day Saturday, for over twelve hours I kept vomiting and then Ellie came down with whatever I had! Thankfully she was only sick a couple of times and woke up Sunday morning bright eyed and bushy tailed. Thank goodness. Yesterday, I still didn't feel right, I felt sick most of the day and dizzy. I do feel a bit better today, just tired. Even though I slept 8 hours solid last night.

I really need a nap

I have SO much to do, I don't have time to be poorly! I need to catch up on washing, housework and whatever else. It's crazy how being ill for two days can equal so much work because obviously I haven't been able to keep up with it while being ill. Usually I would just 'get on with it' but that bug was something else, it truly sucks. It's gonna take me a good few days to catch up now *sigh*
Doesn't it suck not being able to have time to even be ill?!

I also need to schedule blog posts and catch up with blogging and the blogging world but I have other things that are more priority to do, I will catch up... eventually though.

Sarah xXx

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  1. It's rubbish being ill....Hope you're back to feeling 100% soon x


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