
A round up of our summer in photos.


We had an absolutley amazing summer. Fulled with lots of fun!
We had man trips to the Park and lots of outdoors games - football being the main on!


Charlie turned NINE years old! Wow. I can't believe how fast he's growing up. Madness. He had a wonderful Birthday.


We were also lucky enough to go to Liverpool and visit Speke Hall during the six weeks holidays. Speke Hall is a huge old Tudor house with lots of grounds/Gardens. The kids loved the maze best!

Speke Hall

The little's made some really fabulous world cup posters. England got knocked out of the world cup pretty early on but that's ok, the boys supported Brazil instead. They loved being creative and decorated summer beach hut coin banks from yellow moon.

 We also had a picnic in Victoria Park in London.Which was a lot of fun! We saw the London eye and big Ben, it was super cool, even if it was just thru the window on the coach.


We had lots of lovely long walks, enjoying the sunny, warm weather!
The little's enjoyed flying there kites. They really got the hang of it ever so quickly! I am so proud of them.

Flying a kite @ Ups and downs, smiles and frowns

 We also went to an air show along the seafront, we loved the red arrows! The little's loved watch all the airplanes do there display over the sea!

Ups and downs, smiles and frowns

The kids really enjoyed crabbing along the river bank! It was such a warm, sunny day! We also had some chips and fed the swans & ducks.


Then it was time for the kids to go back to school. Harry started in year 6 - his last year of Primary school! Charlie started in year 5 and Ellie in year 2! They are truly growing up so fast.
ups and downs, smiles and frowns

At the end of summer, Ellie turned SEVEN! Whoa. She had a lovely Birthday, got lots of really lovely presents :)

Age 7. Birthday cake.

We truly did have an amazing summer! We are really looking forward to Autumn!
I hope you all had a fab summer, too.

Sarah xXx

For more photos, please follow me on instagram

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  1. Love the caption on your blog cover :-) Looks like your summer has been full of fun #magicmoments

  2. Looks like you filled up the summer with loads of awesome activities!

    Thanks for playing along with Point + Shoot xx

  3. Looks like you had a great summer, lots of lovely memories made :)

  4. Wow, it really does look like you had a fab summer! Wonderful memories to keep.
    Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

  5. That is one fantastic summer of 2014. I can't believe its over and Christmas will soon be here. This year has absolutely flown by. Looks like you have some fabulous memories here. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again soon. #sharewithme

  6. It looks like you've had an exciting summer holidays, its amazing how fast time flies.

  7. That looks like you had loads of fun adventures. Love the photos of Charlie opening his birthday presents. What great outdoor fun activities you've been up to. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

  8. Definitely looks like one fun-filled happy summer with loads of exciting activities :) #countrykids.

  9. oh wow it looks like you guys had an amazing summer!!


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