
Back to school!


So, it's that time of year again where the kids go back to school. It's really bittersweet because I of course miss my little darlings but it's nice to get back into a routine and it's also nice that I can get things done around the house without being interrupted but gosh, I do not like the quiet when they're at school. I mean, it's nice for a little while but I just.. I don't like the house when it's quiet, it feels empty and lonely, do you know what I mean?
Anyway, they were excited to go back to school. Although Harry was rather grumpy this morning and was like "It's too early, why can't school start at 10:30?!" Haha. He takes after me - not a morning person.

They had a fantastic first day back and Charlie has already made a new friend. There's a new kid started in his class and he's excited to have a new friend! Ellie enjoyed seeing all her friends and telling everyone how she had a "fantastical" summer, bless. Harry's also glad to be back, even if the mornings are way too early.

ups and downs, smiles and frowns
Ellie, Charlie & Harry looking smart in there uniforms.

Did your little ones have a good first day back? Let me know in the comments :)

Sarah xXx

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  1. Mine go back tomorrow! Eeek.. will let you know how they get on :)

  2. Aww! Sounds like they've settled in well! My two went back on Wednesday and so far have loved it....Phew x

  3. Glad they had a great 1st day
    I agree, school starts too early :)

  4. What a cute family! Your blog is great too! Please come visit me too at http://melissygoose.blogspot.com/

  5. Aw bless them, they look so grown up and smart!

  6. What a lovely photo. Glad the first day back went well - hope you all adjust to the back-to-school routine soon.

  7. Sounds like they settled in great. Love the first day photo! Buba starts next september I am so nervous. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  8. Why can't school start at half ten, haha! What a wee chancer! My kids went back grand so they did, has taken them a wee while to get back into the swing of things and have that boost of energy after school rather than being knackered!

    Thanks so much for linking up! #MMWBH


  9. We've had our first 'back to school' this time, thankfully it has gone really well!


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