
#50books2014 September round up.


Not many people appear to have tweeted there book round ups, so let me know in the comments/leave a link to your book reviews for September :)

Soph over at Ignoring life one book at a time has been busy reading 'Eavesdropping on Jane Austin's England'. This sounds like a really cool book - something I would be interested in reading! Soph has wrote a lovely book review, please head over and give her blog a browse :)

Tantrums & Glitters has been reading 'Anybody out there' by Marian Keyes. She has wrote a really nice book review on this book and it sounds like something I might like to read in the future! Please pop over and have a read!

I have read two books this month (and am half way thru a third!). I really enjoyed 'The child without a voice' by one of my favourite authors - Casey Watson.

If you'd like to join in with the #50books2014 challenge, you can join in on twitter using the #50books2014 hash tag. Don't forget to tweet me your book posts before the end of October! :)

Sarah xXx

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