arts and crafts

Halloween bat decorations. {Review}

Halloween is approaching fast! In fact it's everywhere I look. We really love Halloween, the kids are super excited about and you can imagine how excited they were to make these frightful halloween handprint bat decorations that yellow moon sent us! Each kit contains:  4 foam bats Coloured foam in four different coulors for the hand prints Ribbon Self adhesive shapes for decorating...

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The one where we throw leaves in the air.

Its half term and we plan on spending as much time outdoors as possible! Winter is well on it's way and we're really wanting to make the most of Autumn as it's out absolute favourite time of year. The leaves are changing colour and the weather is becoming cooler. We decided to go for an Autumnal walk and walk along the river bank...

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high school

The one with the parents evenings.

This past week, the week before half term has been a busy one! It's been full of parents evening, rugby matches at school and meet the tutor appointments! Firstly, I had an appointment with Ellie's teacher to hear about her progress and how she's doing at school! Now, it did take her sometime to settle into her new school but I am really...

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Personalised coaster sets {Review}

Snapfish asked me if I would like to review there coasters. Me being me and how much I love being creative and taking photos, jumped at the chance. I couldn't wait to create my own personalised coaster sets. I created the coasters myself and added in some of my favourite inspirational quotes. And lets face it, who doesn't want some inspiration and positive...

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A photo on Sunday. #MySundayPhoto

12 years old

The one where H turns 12 years old!

I can't quite get my head around the fact that my eldest, my first born child is now officially twelve years old. Twelve years have passed and so much has happened in that time and yet it doesn't seem possible that it has actually be twelve years since he entered the world. It is so, so bittersweet watching him grow up. I miss...

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Binky Linky
A Cornish Mum

What Katy Said
arts and crafts

Making Halloween Masks.

Yellowmoon sent us these spooktacular Halloween mask kits to make! Halloween is an exciting time of year, my little's really enjoy Halloween and are very excited about it! They could not wait to try these masks.  This kit includes four separate designs - a witch, a pumpkin, a bat and Frankenstein and everything you need to make the masks - A foam elasticated...

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