
Loosing a weight and being a mum.


I have still been doing the 30 day shred daily and I have already lost one pound (the pound I gained over Christmas). I am so pleased about that! I really did push myself hard last night and it felt great. I ached a little today but I seemed to have 'walked it off' by doing lots of walking today! My thighs still ache slightly now but honestly, I feel good! I am really, really determined to loose this weight and fit back into my slim size 10 clothes.

The hardest part about this healthy eating thing is, that I can't eat what the kids eat. The lasagne and spag bol, the sausage and homemade chips etc, all smell and look amazing and it is SO hard not to give into temptation but I guess it's all just part of being a mum and loosing weight (at the same time! haha). It isn't easy but I am getting use to it again.

I've been having a smoothie for breakfast and sometimes after I've done my workout for the day. I really, really love smoothie. I do want to add in some veggies though instead of just fruits so if anyone has any healthy smoothie recipes that include veggies, I would love to hear about them!
My favourite is strawberries, blueberries, banana and greek yoghurt 0% fat.(with a couple of ice cubes all blended up together).

Smoothie @ ups and downs, smiles and frowns.

If you have any other weight loss tips and/or healthy eating tips please do let me know in the comments :)

Sarah xXx

Sim's Life

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  1. Ohhh the smoothie looks quite nice! Well done on your loss so far - the Shred is awesome, you will ache - prefer level 2 to level 1 strangely enough but you do feel great after it. My top tip... drink water and lots of it, does your body and your skin wonders! :) Keep us updated! Week 2 of #WeightLossWednesday is now live on SimsLife.co.uk xx

  2. I love smoothies too, great way of getting some healthy stuff in you! Well done for losing you Christmas 1lb, great starts. Thanks for linking to #BloggingToJogging xx

  3. A friend of mine told me last week that after doing exercise it's super important to ate protein afterwards and that studies show those who don't, don't loose as much weight! #Weightlosswednesday

  4. Thanks for linking up to WeightLossWednesday on Sim's Life - see you next week! Sim x

  5. Ooh I love smoothies! Looks so lovely. Thank you so much for linking up to #52HealthyWeeks hope to see you next week xox

  6. That smoothie looks amazing! There is a link on last week's Weight Loss Wednesday link up that includes smoothies made with veggies. They all look yummy.

    Well done on your loss and thank you for linking up with #WeightLossWednesday. Looking forward to seeing you again this week!


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