1) I have FINALLY started my Christmas shopping, well the kids main presents. I am hoping they will be delivered tomorrow. Seriously, I am really worried about how am gonna afford everything year! Money is so tight and everything seems so expensive but I know we'll be ok. I think because the Christmas countdown seems to be on EVERYWHERE I go it makes...
Evening peeps. My friend Laura has inspired me to write this post. After reading her achievements I really want to set myself a few goals to achieve by Christmas. So, here goes. 1) Have all Christmas presents brought by December 12th. I know this is a bit "late" still but for me it'll be a big achievement because I usually leave all the xmas shopping until...
My eldest son will be NINE tomorrow. Nine years old already. I can not believe it, seriously time goes too fast and babies grow up too fast. He is my first born and we share a special bond (like I do with my other two children). He has taught me a lot, he taught me to grow up. He's nine going on nineteen and I...
1) It is half term next week. I am actually really looking forward to it! We have a few things planned like take the kids to the cinema (hopefully, I have had to save for this!) and what not. 2) It is my eldest sons Birthday on Saturday! He will be NINE! NINE years old. I can't believe it! We'll be celebrating tomorrow...
I thought I would share this with you all.. I've had some really lovely freebies lately, some I've already tried and therefore haven't taken pictures of. Like the BB cream but you can read my review by clicking here and there was another BB cream that I got a free sample of and I actually entered a competition to win the BB cream, and I...
(Image from google) This post will probably be a bit ranty because well, I'm pee'd off. With O2. I'm pay as you go btw. See, I phoned them to change my mobile number because I keep getting those weird marketing text message, you know the ones that go a bit like "The bank owes you £2,000 loan fees" or whatever. Thing is I don't...
The boys had a pirate day today at school. They had to dress up as pirates, unfortunately I didn't think to take picture because I am poorly but they looked so cute with their bandanas and eye patches etc lol. They also had a 'pirate lunch' at school, fish/scampi bites or fish cake or fish fingers, wedges or fries, lemonade as a nice treat and I can't...
I am not very well today. I woke up with a sore throat and rotten cold. Actually, I thought I was coming down with something yesterday but woke up this morning feeling 10x worse. SO I am going to keep this simple. 1) I am grateful that I have a wonderful fella who is looking after me when i'm ill. He's doing all the cooking...
It's my nephew's 2nd Birthday this weekend. I had no idea what to get him, then I remember he liked fire engines, so there was online look for fire engine related things, then I thought to myself "I bet he was one of those already" and "yup, he deffo has one those" Then I came across the Fire engine pop up tent that Argos sell. That's...
I have had an ok week this week. Yesterday was a bit of a craptastic day but it did get better... Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week: 1) It is FINALLY October. I love October. The smells of Autumn, pumpkin carving really for Halloween, Halloween, my eldest sons 9th Birthday is in a couple of weeks (I can't believe he's...
Look how cute my kitten looks all curled up asleep on my bed lol, doesn't look very comfy does it?! Still adorable though. Aww. We've had a fair bit of rain the past few days, not as much as some places though. ARGH! I don't know WHAT has gotten into my kids tonight! Actually, I do KNOW... lack of sleep. Up at 5:30am....
I was tagged by Julie aka Mama Owl to post my wants, lol. 1) I want to have a bath in peace. I want to not be woken up at 5am I want a new pair of boots (also NEED them) I want to be able to spend some money on new clothes without having to feel guilty about spending money on myself for once....