
Proud & Happy.


So there's less than seven weeks left of the school year. Seven weeks left of Harry being in year 7, Charlie in primary school and Ellie in year 3. In September they'll all go up a year which is a big deal to me and of course to them. Charlie starting high school is just... I can not believe it. He'll be joining his big brother at the same high school and I'll only have one child at primary school. That's going to be so strange to me. I honestly find it so hard to get my head around that.
I am SO proud of them all. I'm proud that they're all well behaved at school (- for the most part - touch wood), they all knuckle down and do there very best.

ups and downs

Charlie is more than ready for high school, he's super excited about it! He's also looking forward to being in the same school as his big brother again. He's excited at the thought of catching the school bus to and from school! I think he feels very grown up about the above. He is looking very forward to induction days and what not. He's been having grumpy and moody moments lately, I expect it's the build up to high school and the last few weeks of primary school, perhaps even hormones. Harry went through this phase too. Can't wait for the moodiness to subside I must say! Hecan be very cheeky and mischievous which he finds hilarious. Especially when he jumps out on me at 7am with "BOO GOT YA" as I come out of the bathroom. I jumped out of my skin! Haha. He thought it was hilarious!

Ellie doing great, too. She has her moments where she can be a stroppy little madam, what child doesn't? She can also be quite bossy but she's really well behaved at school, which is the main thing! She can also be quite outspoken which can be a little bit embarrassing at times. Maybe being outspoken and saying what you think is a good thing?.. to an extent. She still enjoys playing with dolls.. shopkins and my little pony! She's so sweet and comes out with the funniest things sometimes. Can't believe she'll be nine in September. She's recently joined an after school choir club which she enjoys. They're learning a few chart songs and a couple of old songs for the end of term assembly.

Harry... Well. He's certainly reached teenager-hood (as I call it). He woke everyone up at 5am this morning banging around. He was so excited for his school trip to a forest that he got up extra early (Despite still having to be at school the same time as usual). None of us were very impressed with him. Thankfully the younger two managed to go back to sleep. He's doing great at school, loves P.E and history. He has a lot of friends and is becoming more and more sociable, which is a good thing! This whole teen thing though, it's all new to me. Teenage attitude is no fun, haha. Overall though, I am very proud of Harry.

The most important thing to me is that the kids are all happy and doing well at school. And they all are.

We've cut down on the amount of time spent on the XBOX and tablet (for all three children) and been spending a lot more time outside! It's been really nice. Electronics and technology can really take over sometimes and it's nice to limit the time on those. The kids haven't even really complained about it. They love being outside. Even if it's just in the garden. I am hoping to go to the park at least one evening after school. Make the most of the weather while it's warm and sunny I say! :)

Sarah signature

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com
You Baby Me Mummy
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday
Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

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  1. It's such a big deal when they move up to high school isn't it? For you as much as them. It's great to applaud your kids achievements and I totally get the teenage attitude thing....it's an interesting journey. Thanks for sharing. #picknmix

  2. Its not long till the summer hols huh?

  3. Wow must be amazing for you. Like it's a big step, but exciting. #KCACOLS

  4. Mini R is no where near high school (2 next week) but my youngest niece went to high school last september and it was so weird, it is so weird to see her growing up when she's always been the baby. This is a lovely positive post #KCACOLS

  5. Oh what gorgeous children you have? I can't believe how alike your boys look. Good times ahead for them both being at the same school. love the fact that your girl has a choir which also sings current songs. Well done on the focusing on being outside more than the Xbox - so so important to get a balance - I think the children actually prefer who they are when they are off of the games - my boy admits that he is nicer! #KCACOLS

  6. Such a wonderful post. You sound so proud :) Ah I am dreading the teenage years with my girls, especially with the attitude they have right now haha.

  7. I love reading blogs about older children, as I can see how mine is developing every day, especially now he's started school. He comes out with the funniest things sometimes. Good luck with the teen years! #KCACOLS

  8. My daughter goes to high school in September, and I am really not ready for it. She cannot wait to start there. Just hate seeing my baby grow up.
    You have lovely children, they all look so sweet.

  9. Awww you have every reason to be proud of your children especially as they seem to be doing so well! Isn't it just scary how quickly they grow up. I struggling to wrap my head around the fact that Ella will be starting year 2 soon and Holly will be starting nursery come January. I also think its so great that your children are so ready for the next chapter in their education. Xx #KCACOLS

  10. What a lovely post. I hope one day your children can look back at this and see how proud you were of them and their achievements. #MMBC

  11. We have about 5 weeks until the summer holidays start. Eek!
    Ahh! How lovely! You have every reason to be proud. Your kids sound fab!

  12. Lovely kids and what a great mix of ages you have. Ending and new beginnings for you. More memories to be made. It's hard to say goodbye to the small days isn't it. Next September 17 sees my daughter go to secondary school and the end of the school run. Another big transition but they will always be our bubbas won't they. Thanks for sharing with #KCACOLS and hope you can come back next Sunday. Nicky x

  13. It goes so fast doesn't it?! My youngest starts secondary school in 2017, that will be both of them then eeek. Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix

    Stevie x

  14. Awww sounds like everything is going well! Everyone looks so grown up especially Harry! Really looks more mature than before. #MMBC

  15. Aww, what a lovely post! It's great to hear they are all doing well.

  16. I am sure they are looking forward to the Summer holiday. Nice post. R

  17. So glad that everyone is looking forward to their next steps in life! I remember being very excited to go to high school, so good to feel grown up!

  18. Lovely post to read. My eldest starts school in September which is obviously a bit deal for me. I love seeing them grow up a develop into individuals, yet at the same time it seems to be happening to fast for me 😓 #KCACOLS

  19. Awwww bless, high school is a big deal and glad he's excited. Glad you guys are spending time outside as well.

  20. Every new year is a big step and it sounds like there's a lot of fun, excitement and anticipation in your household. Lovely to read about it. #TwinklyTuesday

  21. Aw what lovely kiddies :) Sounds like they are all doing so well.
    Time certainly does fly by way to fast.

    Thanks so much for joining in with #MMBC. See you next week xx

  22. Well done for managing to cut down on the screentime - its such a challenge isnt it. I always feel better when we've had some outside time as a family #kcacols

  23. Such a lovely post. I remember the strange feeling of having more than one kid at the same school. It never goes away - I have three at the same senior school now and it's still odd!

  24. Lovely post - the year is flying by isn't it? These are the last weeks of my youngest daughter being in school, my eldest son in year 9 - Hello GCSEs phase one, and Pickle moves to mornings in September. When my eldest daughter starts her final year at uni! Kaz x

  25. It sounds like they are both lovely kids and doing really well! Good luck to your son starting high school its such a big change isn't it! We have been trying to get outdoors more as a family too and its so surprising how much better we all feel for it! xx

  26. This is definitely the time of year to get those kids outside! They're gorgeous looking kids. Hope Charlie gets on well as Secondary school. #kcacols

  27. Aw your children are beautiful, you should be proud of them they sound like amazing kids. They do you credit x

  28. Glad your children are all so well behaved and doing well at school:-)

  29. I don't have children yet but I have nieces and a nephew and I always see them as babies no matter how old they get. My nephew is going to Junior High School and I am so not ready lol.. if I am like this with my nieces and nephew imagine when I have my own children! oh gosh lol...

    Leslie xoxo

  30. We have big changes afoot here in September too with my son going up to the juniors and my twins starting pre-school SOB!

  31. What a lovely post and gorgeous pictures! I can't imagine my daughter starting high school *SOB* but I'm sure it'll be here before I know it! #KCACOLS

  32. This is such a lovely post - your children are beautiful! x

  33. Oh it's amazing how fast they grow isn't it? I can't believe that my eldest has just left school and is on her way to sixth form. Surely she was just a baby yesterday?


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