
Reasons to be cheerful (week 22) #R2BC

I can't believe how fast this last week has gone. Already time to post 'Reasons To Be Cheerful' again. I really love this linky/blog hop, it's a great way to remind ourselves that there is indeed always something to be happy about :) The lovely Mich over at Mummy from the heart. is the host, please pop over and say hi =) Don't forget to...

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May book review #50Books2013

This month, I've only read a couple of books (but hey, there's still a few days left, maybe I can squeeze in another book?) Here are my reviews..  Yellow Star   Jennifer roy.  Firstly, this is kind of a childrens book I guess. "The niece of Syvia Perlmutter, one of only twelve child survivors of the Lodz ghetto in Poland, shares her aunt's experiences...

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Ribena Plus review (Bzzagent)

We were lucky enough to have been sent some Ribena Plus to review via Bzzagent. We are big fans of Ribena so we couldn't wait to try the new Ribena plus.  Ribena plus is no added sugar juice drink with added calcium and vitamins (perfect for growing kiddies!) Read more about the benefits of drinking Ribena here. It still tastes like Ribena and...

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Reasons to be cheerful (week 21)

1) I've actually got a kid free night tomorrow night! Ohmygosh. This hasn't happened for a while. The boys are going fishing with there dad and spending the weekend at his. My daughter is going to a sleepover at her friends house. (Her friends mum is my best friend, we've been friends since we were eight years old! Now her daughter is 9...

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bad luck

They say things come in threes...

These last couple of weeks has been a bit of a nightmare for me.  First my T.V broke (I had no picture, just sound, I changed all of the leads and it wasn't them.), then my washing door broke (I was lucky enough to know someone selling one that had only been used a couple of times which was cheap. I wrote about...

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silent sunday


Picture from last summer.  ...

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Ellie was laughing, lol. ...

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To the mum who's......

I saw this on facebook and wanted to share it here (I hope that's ok!)  I don't know who wrote it but credit to whoever did, I truly love it.  To the mom who's breastfeeding: Way to go! It really is an amazing gift to give your baby, for any amount of time that you can manage! You're a good mom. To the mom...

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Reasons to be cheerful (week 20) #R2BC

Can you believe we're already in week 20? Oh my goodness, time is going to fast, lol. Anyway, here are my reasons to be happy this week:  1) My kids! My kids ALWAYS make me smile. They are truly amazing. They're all doing fab at school. I am so, so proud of them. They're all so smart, funny and have amazing personalities. I...

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Why do I find meal planing so difficult?

I'm trying out new foods and recipes so that I can start budgeting and meal planning a bit better. It'll help with budgeting the grocery food shop too if I have all the meals planned. So if anyone has any easy/simple recipes (or tips) they'd like to share with me, feel free :) I really want to get into meal planning but I find...

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Oh we do like to be beside the seaside... #countrykids

Wednesday after school I decided to take the kiddies to the beach after school! See, we live along the coast and not far from the beach, we're so lucky! The kids LOVE the beach, we built sand castles, looked in rock pools, found some muscles, collected shells and ran around in the open, on the sand. It was great fun. I can't wait...

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#SilentSunday (Caturday!)

My beautiful cat, Lotti! She'll be one years old next month.    ...

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age 7



Reasons to be cheerful (week 19!) #R2BC

Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week :) 1) The weather!! The weather has been amazing again! I am hoping to go to a carboot sale this Sunday, if the weather is nice of course! I love carboot sales, hehe.  2) As it was a lovely day yesterday we decided to take the kiddies for a walk along the seafront after...

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What us mums do when we get sick...

So, it feels like I am coming down with a cold, at least I hope it's just a cold and not flu! Eugh.  But of course, there's no rest for the wicked. Life goes on. I don't have a chance to sit back and relax. I have piles of laundry to wash, hang out, fold and put away. There's school uniforms and packed...

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aged 5

Professional photos

My daughter had the chance to have her pictures taken professionally at school. They're not school photos though as you can see. (She had her school pictures taken back in October time I think it was). I thought they were actually quite expensive it worked out cheaper to by the CD with the photos on so that I can get them printed myself (and in...

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9 year old


When we went to Liverpool during Easter half term. When we went to Liverpool during Easter half term. ...

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A walk to the park. #CountryKids

We've been really blessed with beautiful weather the past few days. It's been so sunny and warm! Finally, some decent weather to enjoy. We enjoyed a trip to the park on Friday as my children had a non pupil day. Of course, we took the football with us to the park. When we got to the park Harry spotted some friends from school...

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Can you think of a caption for this photo? Ellie playing in the play area near where my nan and granddad live. ...

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Reasons to be cheerful (week 18) #R2BC

Yay! It's Thursday which means it's reasons to be cheerful time again!! I love joining in with this blog hop and sharing my reasons to be cheerful.  1) Firstly, the weather has been beautiful the last week or so (minus the weekend when we had the typical April showers). We've been in the garden planting more seeds and sitting out in the sunshine...

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Funkywatch kids jewellery review (& discount code)

Me and my 5 year old daughter had the pleasure of reviewing these lovely kids jewellery items that Funkywatch sent us to review. Anyone who knows me and Ellie knows that we LOVE beads. The beaded bracelet, necklace and hairclips are gorgeous! My daughter was overjoyed and fell in love with them when she saw them, she couldn't wait to wear them.  The 'Princess Lillifee...

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