arts and crafts

Rudolph Reindeer Decoration Sewing Kits {Review}

We really enjoy Christmas arts & crafts. It really helps us feel festive and Christmasy. Baker Ross have such a wide range of Christmas arts and crafts. We were sent these really cute reindeer decoration sewing kits to review. Each kit contains three individual reindeer kits and felt shapes, self-adhesive felt pieces, yarn, stuffing, googly eyes, ribbon & plastic needles and of course...

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arts and crafts

Christmas Scratch Art Scenes {Review}

Baker Ross sent us these rather lovely Scratch art scenes to try. They're festive and Christmas themed and perfect for this time of year! My children couldn't wait to try them! Each Christmas scratch art kit contains 6 assorted Christmas scenes including Santa, Snowman, Robin and Elf. Each scene is supplied with a scratch tool.The scratch tool is plastic and perfect for little...

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November Reading Wrap - What I read in November.

The first book I read this month was Behind Closed Doors by B.A Paris. I picked up a copy of this book for 20p in a charity shop and I'm so glad I did, I loved it! It's a physiological Thriller that I found very hard to put down, it's very well written in my opinion and covers some really difficult topics. I...

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arts and crafts

Elf Mix & Match Decoration Kits {Review}

Baker Ross kindly sent us this very festive Elf Mix & Match Decoration Kits to review. We love arts and crafts, especially at Christmas! My children enjoy being creative. Baker Ross sell a very wide range of Christmas art and craft supplies for children.  We couldn't wait to make our Elves. Each kit contains:   6 Elves in two colours - red & green....

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6 Things I've learned since working out.

My weight has really been getting me down lately. I am a size 14 clothes and most of my clothes are size 10-12. I really need to fit back into those. It's not only that though, I've noticed how unfit I am. Just walking up the stairs I was becoming out of breath, that can't be a good sign so I decided it...

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Best and worst

The weekly bits & bobs. #BestAndWorst

I actually can not believe it'll be December next week. I really need to get some Christmas shopping done. I haven't bought the kids anything yet. Eek! I'll be glad when November is over though, it hasn't been the best month. It's been stressful and blah. Anyway, here's this weeks best & worst moments. Negatives: I don't really think there are THAT many...

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book review

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys {Book Review}

Genre: Historical Fiction Pages: 393 "Each one born of a different homeland; each one hunted, and haunted, by tragedy, lies…and war.As thousands of desperate refugees flock to the coast in the midst of a Soviet advance, four paths converge, vying for passage aboard the Wilhelm Gustloff, a ship that promises safety and freedom.Yet not all promises can be kept.Inspired by the single greatest...

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Life Lately.

Well, we are over half way through November already! This year has gone SO fast, I honestly can't believe it. It doesn't feel like a year ago that I was planning last Christmas and now it's time to start planning for THIS Christmas. Craziness! Anyway, I thought I'd write a 'Life Lately' post. I don't know why but it feels like November has...

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Enjoying GO AHEAD! Healthy Snacks {Review}

Go Ahead! Sent us a lovely box of snacks to review. Go Ahead! Have a wide range of delicious and satisfying snacks that are carefully portioned so you can snack the smart way! Go Ahead! snacks are have a wide range of healthy snacks. We were sent the Yogurt Breaks, Crispy Slices.Fruity Breaks and Cookie Bites. First of all we tried the yogurt...

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