Bucket list

Our Christmas Bucket List.

And my list of photos to take this December, can be found here! What's on your Christmas bucket list? Let me know in the comments :) Sarah xXx   ...

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arts and crafts

Making Reindeer Gift Bags {Review}

In our box of goodies we were sent from YellowMoon were these festive Reindeer gift bag kits. Ellie & Charlie could not wait to make these! They had already decided that they're going to fill them with sweets and treats and gift to Nanna & Grandad for Christmas. Each pack includes for kits. Enough supplies to make four reindeer gift bags. Including the...

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animal lover

Cats on Caturday!

I thought I would share some photos I've taken of my cats lately. They are both female cats and neither of them I planned on getting, they found me and choose us. Isn't it strange how cats pick there owners? Lotti (the tortoiseshell cat) came to me at 4 weeks old and was literally handed over my back fence from an old neighbour...

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Black Friday & Cyber Monday offer with petshop UK.

It's that time of year again... Black Friday and Cyber Monday! Why not treat your fur baby this Christmas and stock up on some pet supplies. Petshop.co.uk sell a wide variety of pet food and pet supplies. Check out Petshop UK's black friday and cyber Monday deals.   Some of the deals include: 1. The main offer is a free £10 Voucher when you...

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Look in my letterbox.

I haven't really been feeling too well and therefore haven't received very much in the mail lately. Here are a few things I have received lately and I'm currently waiting for a few Christmas things to arrive! First up some freebise from the water company. I applied online for these freebies and was sent them a few weeks alter. You can have a...

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Christmas gift

Personalised stocking stuffers from Snapfish.

Snapfish sell a wide range of stocking stuffers which can indeed be personalised. I really like snapfish as they have a great selection of personalised gifts for every occasion and some lovely ideas on how to display photographs. And we all know how much I enjoy taking photos. So when they asked me if I would like to review some personalised Christmas gifts,...

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The ups and downs of November.

The whole of November has been a bit... crap really. I feel like a bit of a plonker sharing this story. It started off with me swallowing a piece of sweet wrapper. I was eating one of those little sweety lolly's, I was half way through it when I started choking, I managed to choke up a lump of sweet wrapper, a little...

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Photos to take this Christmas.

I love taking photos so I thought I would put together a list of photos that I would like to take this Christmas. What photos will you be taking this Christmas? If you would like to take part in this challenge, feel free to pin the image on pinterest (hover over the right or left corner of the image for the pin button)...

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Zoflora {Review}

Zoflora is a concentrated disinfectant which kills 99.9% of bacteria and kills viruses. Zoflora eliminates odors with a very fresh scented smell for all day freshness. I was sent a bottle of the pink grapefruit scented Zoflora to review. Zoflora comes in a 120ml bottle (larger bottles are also available). I mixed my Zoflora solution with water and gave my kitchen sides a...

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arts and crafts

Christmas Glasses Kits {Review}

In our box of arts and craft supplies that Yellow moon sent us to review were these very festive Christmas glasses. The Christmas glasses kit contains four sets of glasses, the foam self adhesive shapes to decorate the glasses, some googly eyes and of course the glasses themselves (4 assorted designs). We decorated the penguin and santa pairs of glasses. Ellie got stuck...

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