
The best and worst moments lately.


It's been a hectic week or so. I'll start with the worst moments.

  • The kids and I have been sick. Again. Some kind of tummy bug. I got a phone call from the school last Thursday from the school asking me to pick Ellie up as she was unwell and had been sick at school. Bless her. From there, we ALL came down with it over the space of the weekend! It was awful. Thankfully we're better now. 
  • I managed to burn myself on the oven while taking out the pasta bake! It's really sore and quite large. I've put burn cream on. I'm sure it'll heal soon. 
  • I've also had a bad headache on and off.. Its the brain disease playing up. My vision also hasn't been great. 
  • Stressing about money. Again. Money sucks. There's so much I want to do in those house but I just don't have the funds. I need to save, save, save! 
The best bits:
Mothers day flowers and my cat
Yes, my cat just had to get in the photo, haha.
  • My Birthday was last Tuesday. I didn't really do much but I did receive some lovely presents and cards. I saw my family and fella too! I love the new bag the kids got me and also my lovely little light box with letters that can be changed! My mum bought me some new PJs - I LOVE PJ's, I have an obsession! I also received some very lovely other its including a fitness band to track my steps & sleep, a new pair of trainers ready for when I start jogging again, some photography stuff (which is just a hobby! I'm kind of teaching myself). I'm very thankful for my presents :)
My lovely little light box
My light box, I love it!
  • I also enjoyed a really nice mothers day with the kids. In the afternoon a bunch of flowers were delivered for me, awww. ♥ I love them. (These are mixed in with flowers I received for my Birthday!) I feel truly blessed & very lucky.
  • The kids parents evenings went very well! Charlie & Ellie are both doing great. I am super proud of them. I'm sure I'll have Harry's parents evening soon!  
  • World book day was a success (minus Ellie coming down poorly). Charlie and Ellie's school had a pirate theme. They love dressing up! 
  • Charlie passed his level 2 bikability at school which is awesome! Very proud of him. 
Pirate on world book day

So those are our best and worst moments from the last week or two. What have been your best and worst moments? what's been the highlight for you?

Sarah xXx

Best of Worst

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  1. I'm sorry you were all ill. Tummy bugs are not nice. But happy birthday :) Sounds like you received some lovely presents. I love PJ's too. #bestandworst

    Nadia - ScandiMummy x

  2. Sounds like some pros with your lovely birthday and good achievements from the littlies!! How horrible all being sick and burning yourself! Hope all is better now. Love that light box! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x

  3. Sorry you were sick! My family was sick this week too with a terrible chest cold. But it looks like there were more good things than bad things. :) I need to get some new PJs too. #bestandworst

  4. Wow you got some amazing gifts - lucky girl indeed! Hope the headache eases off soon :) #Picknmix

  5. Such a good thing to do to follow your bad bits with positive bits, helps make you feel a little better about them :) Glad the kids parents evening went well! #binkylinky

  6. A belated happy birthday! I hope you're feeling better this week. Loving that the cat is photobombing lol

  7. Sounds like you have had lots of good bits. Belated happy birthday, you got some lovely gifts. I love pj's too, always a good gift. The light box is brilliant, a way to think of the kids and keep positive.
    Amanda. #kcacols

  8. Hope you and the kids get better soon. Looks like you had a lovely birthday, I love the light box. Have a good week x

  9. There's a tummy bug going round at the moment, loads of kids at our school have wilted. Glad you and yours are feeling better!

  10. Hope they are better soon! It's hard when the kids are ill isn't it. Not nice to see.
    Glad you also had some best bits of the week too! #KCACOLS

  11. Sorry you weren't well and sounds a bit like our house every week Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  12. Sorry you haven't been well hope you get better soon Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  13. Sorry you've all been unwell! How rubbish. Seems to be a lot going around. Sounds like you had a lovely birthday and Mother's Day - deserved for any hard working mother. ☺️ #KCACOLS

  14. Sorry that you've been ill, tummy bugs and looking after children do not mix well at all. It sounds like all the bad things were offset against all the good things, the flowers look gorgeous and you can't beat getting into a new pair of PJ's. Hope you have a smashing week this week. Claire x #KCACOLS

  15. Sorry about your illness. Have a lovely week.

  16. Ive had this headache on and off to! How strange that we both have had it. must be something in the air. Thats been one of my worsts. Best was the days my partner was off work and we had family days :)

  17. I feel your pain chick - I've had an awful sickness bug too. Hope you are feeling a bit better xx #KCACOLS

  18. Glad you had a nice birthday and mother's day. It is awful when everyone in the family comes down with an illness - glad you're all better. #fartglitter

  19. Ick, sick kiddos is rough. Glad you had some good stuff happening too x


  20. Oh no I hate sick bugs and as a teacher I'm always living in fear of catching them. I'm very jealous of your light box, I really want one. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix x

  21. Sorry to hear you've all been unwell. Both my youngest and I are also I'll at the moment and I was only ill a few weeks ago! It's a pain.

    I hope your migraines have gone. It sounds like you had a lovely birthday and Mother's Day and were suitably spoilt!

    Thank you for linking up to #KCACOLS and I hope to see you back again on Sunday xx

  22. Sorry to hear about the poorly time you have had. I am loving your pressies though! #KCACOLS

  23. I am glad you had a nice birthday but not happy to hear you have been unwell x


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