arts and crafts

Home made Christmas cards {Bucket List}

Ellie and I made Christmas pictures and Christmas cards today! Such fun. We used some scrapbook card, that we had laying around from past projects. This worked so well as a nice sky background. Ellie wanted to make a Christmas tree picture, so that's exactly what we did. We used a cookie cutter and dipped that in green paint. That gave us a...

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Reaons to be cheerful (week 48)

My reasons to be cheerful this week... 1) Bargains. I do love a good bargain! I got the boys and Ellie a Christmas pressies each from ARGOS as they were half price! Yay! I have only just started Xmas shopping and it's going very slowly *sigh* But it's a start.. I have also picked up a few bargains on Christmas decorations. I hope to...

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November #TheGallery

This week's #TheGallery theme is: November. I think this picture sums up November pretty well... Atumn colours but the weather is getting colder as winter is approaching (too fast for my liking!) The days are dull, dark, damp and cold. Brr. This post is linked up with The Sticky Fingers blog. ...

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Decorating for Christmas (for cheap.)

Is it just me that hasn't put the Christmas tree up yet? Lol. I would be tempted to put mine up but I don't have one yet lol. Anyway I thought I would share some tips on saving on Christmas decorations... Decorating for Christmas can be a bit expensive. Especially if the cat ruined all your baubles last year (like mine did, along...

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Meal planning Monday.

  Monday - Fish with new potatoes and salad. Tuesday - Cheese and potato pie with sausages and spaghetti hoops  Wednesday - Home made chicken nuggets with home made chips and baked beans.  Thursday - Pork chops, mash potato, broccoli and carrots Friday - Chicken curry, rice with naan bread  Saturday - Ellie picks. (boys are at there dads) Sunday - Roast chicken,...

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Blog Makeover!!

I've just given my blog a makeover. I'm not really sure what I think of it. I really, really loved my Autumn one but obviously, I couldn't keep that with it being almost winter lol. I want to make something Christmasy but I so don't have any more patience, lol. What do you guys think of my blogs new look?I'd love to hear...

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silent sunday


animal lover

Saturday is capton day #SatCap

This is a photo of my African pygmy hedgehog, Bailey. Unfortunately, I was allergic to him :( It broke my heart having to re-home him but I just couldn't cope with the allergies. I found him a VERY good home though.I get an email from time to time with recent photos of Bailey and an update, which is nice. ...

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bedding review

John Cotton Christmas Bedding Bundle Review.

I love bedding. There's nothing quite as cozy as lovely new bedding! I firmly believe they key to a good nights sleep is good quality bedding. And it's important for my guests to feel comfy, warm and cozy.   Christmas time is about spending time with family and catching up. Many of us will have guests over the Christmas holidays that stay over. Which...

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Reasons to be cheerful 1,2,3...

This week, the kids have all been poorly. Harry came down with a tummy bug on Sunday. Charlie came down with it on Tuesday and Ellie yesterday afternoon. Ellie is not going to school today but I do think she's over the worst. I hope!! I had to cancel parents evening :( I've had a constant headache and blah! And wit hthe weather...

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arts and crafts

Our Autumn in pics.

Autumn is my favourite season! The weather is just right, not too hot, not too cold.. can be a little chilly which is just how I like the weather to be. I love the colours of Autumn, too.. Orange, browns, reds, yellows. We went on a few Autumn walks, made some pictures using autumn leaves. We completed lots of our things from our autumn bucket...

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book review

Secret Santa Squirrels by Hazel Nutt {Childrens Book Review}

Secret Santa Squirrels by Hazel Nut Secret Santa Squirrels is a delightful look at the answer to...  "Just How does Santa deliver 60,000 presents a second, In 31 hours, without going completely around the bend?" The answer? "Well the answer is magic reindeer poo And Santa's little squirrel friends too!"  Secret Santa's Squirrels is a Christmas picture book for children. A very different...

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book review

The Galian Spear by Safie Maken Finlay {childrens book review}

The Galian Spear by Safie Maken Finlay "When their parents are lost at sea, Illy McFay and her brothers, Tobias and Little B, become caught up in an otherworldly adventure. Sent to live in the city with their eccentric grandmother, they soon find themselves in the Museum of Ancient and Unexplainable Artifacts where they meet a race of mysterious beings and are entrusted...

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The one that's really random, lol.

I''ve had a headache pretty much all weekend. Actually since Friday morning. It's driving me crazy. Although, I think I do deal with the headaches a lot better than I did a year ago. I don't think people realise how hard it is to sometimes "just get on with it", at least not when the headache is REALLY bad! At least it hasn't...

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November book reviews #50books2013

Well... I don't think I'll make it to fifty books this year, I think I am nearing 30 though.  Hopefully I'll squeeze a few more books in before this year is out! We will see.  image from amazon A Last Kiss For Mummy - Casey Watson  "Bestselling author and foster carer Casey Watson tells the heartbreaking true story of a teenage mother and...

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Shoplet UK Review.

When Shoplet UK asked me if I'd like to write a review for them, I of course jumped at the chance. Shoplet UK supply office supplies. And many of them!  They sent me this lovely sample box of stationary. I LOVE stationary!! One can never have too much stationary. Especially pens. And note pads. I love writing and scribbling random things down. Most...

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age 6

Saturday is caption day #SatCap

Can you caption this pic? ...

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Children In Need.

Ha! I went to write a reasons to be cheerful post, then remembered there is no my reasons to be cheerful linky. Ahh, I'm going to really miss that. I'll just write about children in need instead :D. (Actually turns out that  Becky WIlloughby is hosting Reasons To Be Cheerful! - YAY!!) But I'll still write about children in need this week because...

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The Gallery: A younger me. #TheGallery

This weeks #TheGallery theme is "A younger me" I don't have that many photos of me when I was a child. In fact this is the only two I have on my computer. Theey are photo's of photo's, so not great quality I'm afraid. The first one is me as a Bridesmaid at my auntie and uncles wedding when I was eight years...

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...The holidays are coming...

I can't believe it's already 11th November!! Time is going way too fast. I really need to get my thinking cap on regarding Christmas. Especially now I've seen the coke-a-cola "The holidays are coming" advert, lol. LOVE that advert! I think my grandparents are possibly coming over to ours on Christmas day - weather permitting. They live a good 45 mins drive away...

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family activities

LEGO® Review. {Creative bucket & LEGO® friends}

LEGO® is very, very popular in our house! It's one of the only toys that my three children will actually sit down nicely and play together. So when I was asked to review some LEGO® from Argos I was ever so excited. You can never, ever have enough LEGO. You can never spend too much time playing with LEGO, either! Lego is for...

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Bucket list

Winter Bucket list

So Winter is fast approaching and I thought I would make a Winter Bucket List. I love this time of year, although it is rather stressful with the build up to Christmas! I think having a bucket list will help. A before and during Christmas bucket list. This might be long though because there is SO much I want to do, lol.  I'll...

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Reasons to be cheerful {week 45} #R2BC

1) I am cheerful that Christmas is coming. Although I haven't brought a thing (except 1 little stocking filler and some Christmas cards) I am excited! I've been looking at Christmas decorations, pricing them and getting so excited! Look what I spotted in The Range: Crazy about owls!!  2) I am SO proud of Charlie! He filled a shoe box for the Christmas...

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Halloween 2013. {bucket List}

I know, I know. I am a bit late in posting this post but it's better late than never, right? So our Halloween went a bit like this: We made some Halloween cupcakes, which the kids had a great time decorating in green icing slime, lol and some fun Halloween cake decorations! It was great fun, hehe. We made some Halloween jelly, using...

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Meal planning Monday!

  Yay! Back to meal planning. I've been slacking the last few weeks. I need to stick with meal planning!!  Monday: Chicken nuggets and fries with beans or spaghetti hoops. Tuesday : Bonfire night! Mean's bonfire night food! Jacket potato with chicken tikka or beans, or cheese or coleslaw and salad. Sasuage's and bacon in rolls with onions Wednesday: Pork chops with mash, veg...

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Slumberdown Kids Quilted Waterproof Mattress Protector {Review}

When I was asked if I'd like to test and review the Kids quilted mattress protector I jumped at the chance. Ellie has a mattress protector on her bed in case of any accidents. The toilet is after all downstairs! So having a mattress protector on is best to be safe than sorry.   As it states on the website:  "The Slumberdown kids waterproof mattress...

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