Last weekend while the boys went to there dads (they went fishing), so Ellie and I went over to my grandparents place to visit them and what fun it was, too! My granddad had to stop at the local supermarket on the way to his, Ellie and I went up to the river bank while he was in the store. It was a...
Wow, I can't believe it's May tomorrow! April flew by!! I've managed to read three books this month, not too bad but I could have done a bit better if I'm honest. I enjoyed 'The world according to Bob'. I'm hoping to get around to reading 'The book thief' and 'The fault in our stars' in May but we'll see how I go...
There is nothing else in this world that makes me happier than my little ones, especially when they are happy! I love seeing them happy and smiling, knowing and seeing that they're happy, makes me happy! (Could I say 'happy' many more times?! Haha) Look at there smiley faces :D. Also, my cat makes me happy, lol. Seriously she is part of the...
26th April 2014 ...
I was sent a Kindle fire HD textured leather stand case from to review. I always keep my kindle a case to protect it form everyday use, such as scratches and chips etc, especially with the kids using my kindle fire HD daily. The case has a really nice textured, leather feel to it. It's light and very easy to fit onto...
On Saturday, we went over to my grandparents to visit them. They live on a country park, in a lodge/cabin. It's super cool! They haven't lived there very long but my grandads garden is coming a long really well! He's put so much work and effort into it. It's beautiful I took advantage and had a walk around his garden and around the...
Monday - Sausage, mash and peas with gravy Tuesday - Chilli chicken salad with fresh french stick. Wednesday - Home made meat balls with spaghetti Thursday - Hot dogs in rolls with salad and fries. Friday - Lasagne (slow cooker) Saturday - Chicken Korma with rice and naan bread Sunday - Toad in the hole with veg, mash and gravy. ...
Linked up with: My sunday photo #silentsunday ...
Can you caption this pic? ...
The weather has been amazing lately! I know I say it all the time but it really does brighten my mood when the weather is nice. My headache eased off for a while on Monday evening so we decided to make the most of it and go for a little walk! We walked around a local nature reserve (at least I think it's...
The other day when we went for a walk we spotted lots of flowers! So I thought I'd share some photos. Some wild flowers Daisies are Ellie's absolute favourite! She loves them. We also spotted lots of pretty blossom! I love the purpley/pink blossom. It's so pretty. And 'butterfly' bushes Love this time of year! There are so many pretty flowers. We're going...
Trying to find the positives again this week. I've been feeling a bit miserable because I STILL have a headache! It seems to have eased off a bit this morning *touch wood* I've got lots of housework and washing to catch up, oh the joys, eh?! Still though, there's lots of reasons to be cheerful.. I think.. 1) We had a fantastic Easter....
This week #TheGallery theme is 'Easter'. We had a wonderful Easter. The kids got quite a few Easter eggs. I think they'll still be eating Easter eggs at Christmas, lol. Some of the kids eggs I also got an Easter egg, which I totally feel guilty about eating! And I am suppose to be on a glutten and dairy free diet but...but... it...
Yellow moon sent us this lovely daffodil wreath kit to review. My little ones love arts & crafts, especially Ellie. The daffodil wreath kit includes: Each pack contains thick foam template, pre-cut foam pieces, ribbon and instructions Wreath size 23cm diameter No glue required Aged 5+ Makes a daffodil wreath. Then Ellie stuck the green flower petals onto the heart shaped wreath. I...
Monday - Spicy chicken, fries & salad Tuesday - Sausage, mash and peas with gravy Wednesday - Home made meat balls with spaghetti (pasta) and garlic bread. Thursday - Chicken Korma with rice and naan bread Friday - Home made burgers in buns with salad and chips Saturday - Tuna and pasta salad Sunday - Sunday roast. Sarah xXx Linked up with with: #MealPlanningMonday...
15th April 2014. Linked up with weekend blog hop Linked up with family photo of the week. ...