
What am I doing right now?


Right now I am writing this blog post, lol.
I've just got back from Tesco, Harry needed new school T.shirts because all of his are too small! Can you believe he's in aged 11-12?! He's only 10! He's so tall. Tall and skinny, that's Harry!
Anyway, I've wrote this blog post I'm going to hang some washing out on the line because it's a lovely day and then read my book for half an hour before tackling Ellie's room. I thought I'd have half an hour to myself for once. I usually do all the housework and everything first but to be honest, I'm really tired today.
(I'm also trying making more time to read this month, I only managed to read 2 books last
What are you doing right now? Why not join in with this weeks #TheGallery theme and link up with the blog hop!

Cathy glass book

What are you doing right now? Why not join in with this weeks #TheGallery theme and link up with the blog hop!

Sarah xXx

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  1. Enjoy your book! I really must get back into reading....

  2. Hope you enjoy your book :-)

    Laura x x x

  3. I'm trying to read more too, there's nothing like a bit of me time with a good novel :-) #thegallery

  4. Hope you enjoyed your book! I am looking forward to reading fiction again once I finish university.

  5. Ohhh enjoy your book. I love a good #widn post. Thank you for linking up to Share With Me week 9. Hope to see you again soon. #sharewithme

  6. Ahh- fiction! I need to read a real book again! Hope you enjoyed it. x

  7. I'd say reading is always going to be more important than housework ;0)


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