
A Photo I'm proud of... #TheGallery


I'm actually quite proud of most of my photos to be honest. I love taking pictures. It's hard to just choose ONE picture. I just love snapping away! One picture I am very proud of is this picture I took last year of a moth/butterfly whilst out for a walk. It's a picture I took on my phone, which I think is the reason I am quite proud of it. Considering it's a phone pic (and not edited in any way at all!), I think it came out rather well! The light was just right and I love the colours! I can't believe I actually managed to snap this pic before the moth flew away!!I was up pretty close, too. Amazing.

Summer 2013.
 And of course, it goes without saying - I am very proud of my 3 (not so little any more) little ones:
They grow up so fast, don't they?!

A picture taken a couple of weeks ago - on my camera.
Why not share a photo your proud of? And share with #TheGallery linky.

Sarah xXx

Linked up with Friday Flash blog
Linked up with #PoCoLo 

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  1. That is a fab photo and everytime I see a picture of H, I am shocked by how much he has grown x

    1. It's madness how quick they grow, especially H! He seems to grow an inch every week (at least that how it feels, haha) x

  2. That is a stunning picture. Lovely little ones too xx

  3. Great photos, I chased a bee all round Coombe Mill today to capture a photo like your first one but he would not stop for a moment! #TheGallery

  4. It's a beautiful picture. You should be proud. I completely understand that choosing one picture out of many favorites can be quite a complicated task.

  5. Beautiful photos! #PoCoLo

  6. Stunning picture lovely x x x

  7. What an absolutely stunning photo - the colours are so vivid and beautiful. Lovely photo of your gorgeous little ones too. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo :) x


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