Gosh, September was a busy month for me reading wise. I didn't exactly stick to my 'September TBR', I did however, manage to read a total of 6 books (and I'm still currently reading the 7th!) which is VERY good going for me. I don't think I've managed to read that many books in one month before! Wow. I'm quite impressed with myself...
I think everyone who has read my blog for a while will know that Autumn is my favourite time of year! I just love it. I wrote about reasons why I love Autumn in another blog post. Today we decided we were going to go for an Autumnal walk through the woods. The woods is about a 5 minute (or less!) walk from...
I was sent a copy of Casey Watson's new book 'Runaway Girl' to review. Casey Watson is a specialised foster carer/ Casey and her husband Mike have fostered many children over the years and Casey shares her fostering memoirs with us by writing books! Casey has children of her own as well as grandchildren. I have read most of Casey's other books, too...
Autumn is my favourite time of year. I'm not overly keen on Summer because I'm not a fan of the heat so I welcome Autumn with open arms, haha. Here are my reasons why I love Autumn. The cooler weather. Autumn is perfect 'Sweater Weather' Just being able to wear a jumper with jeans, no coat needed! It's not too hot nor too...
...Where colds and coughs come into season! With that change in the weather comes the colds and bugs and what not. I wrote about how I was poorly the weekend before last with earache, well that earache turned into a massive full blown cold, sore throat, swollen glans and everything else that comes with it. Needless to say, I have felt like utter...
A question I get asked a lot is "How do you find time to read so much?" The truth is I make time. Making time for myself is important. Life is stressful and loosing myself in a good book helps me unwind and relax. I love reading, it keeps me sane. I have three kids and a household to look after so making...