
I just came to say hello

Just a quick post. First, thanks for all the comments and hello to all my new readers and followers :-) I'm really loving it on this site!! Secondly, thank goodness it's Friday. Hoping to get my garden done tomorrow ready for Charlie's birthday BBQ next week. I really hope the rain holds off until I've done my garden!!! There's no way I can...

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1...2..3 reasons to be cheerful :)

1) We have a beautiful new kitten, we've named her Lotti. I wasn't intending on getting a getting (yet), but this one really needed a home, she is poorly with cat flu & had an eye infection which is clearning up now, the eye drops work amazing! She needed some looking after, so we took her in! Apparently I feel the need for...

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Just another manic Monday

Gosh. I am having on of *those* days today. My hot water wasn't working this morning, apparently it's fixed now. And I do have running water again. However, I am not convinced the hot water is actually fixed. My heating is now turning itself on & off. The lumber will have to come back in the week and get it all fixed, he...

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1 down, 31 to go.

I've managed to update my blog for one whole week! That's #30 of my Summer Bucket List. Ok so I know it isn't a huge thing but at least I achieved it, right? Also, does anyone know how to do the links along the top of the page, it says in the design section that I've already added it but it's not there & I...

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Chilling out

Such fun

Hello to my new readers :-) I am SO glad it's the weekend. the kids slept in until 9am this morning!!!!!! First time they have ever slept that late! It was a well needed sleep in, that's for sure. The boys have gone to there dads for the weekend so it's just been me and Ellie here today. I've potted about the house,...

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need sleep


Woohoo it's finally Friday! I feel absolutely exhausted today! See, I decided that I needed to *ME* time (watching random stuff on youtube, listening to 'keep calm and relax' album etc) so I stayed up late last night thinking "oh it's ok I can nap tomorrow". Only problem with that was I forgot that the plumber/heating engineer was coming to fix the boiler and flush...

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Reasons to be cheerful

1,2,3 reasons to be cheerful

1) The kids are all doing so well at school! Next week is Charlies sports day, Harrys sports day & Ellies parents "evening" although my appointment is after lunch because it's just easier all 'round. I can not believe that in September I will be a mum to a reception child, a year 3 and a year 4 child! Gosh, they grow up...

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Boys will be boys.

I'm really trying hard to write in my blog every day for a week because t's on my summer bucket list. Yesterday afternoon I got to spend some time with my BFF, we sat outside in the garden, having a chat while the kids played in the garden. It was nice! It was nice to have some adult company and conversation.  Charlie fell off...

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Almost seven year old (desert for kids BBQ ideas?)

I can not believe that in just over two and half weeks my little boy is going to be SEVEN. My middle child is going to be SEVEN. Doesn't seem possible. I'm kind of stuck as to what to get Charlie. He has lego, cars, scooters, roller skates, a tent, cars & trucks, trains, aeroplanes, nerf guns, water pistols... this list is endless. I know...

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Sleep deprived.

*Yawn* I am so very tired. I think I've had about 5 hours sleep in the last 72 hours. Friday night I didn't go to sleep until late watching random youtube videos (I haven;t done that for ages!) thinking that I would at least get a 7:30am lay in... how wrong I was, the kids were up at 5:45am yesterday morning. Last night...

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One thing at a time.

So errrrr, my "blog for a whole week" didn't happen. FAIL. Yesterday I was suppose to have a Neurologist appointment but it has been pout back to NEXT Thursday now. I've just been SO busy, I've had no time to blog and when I have I've just been way to tired! I have been ever so busy doing my back garden. It was...

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Fifty Shades Of Grey. (My opinion)

So I am going to attempt one of the things off my Summer bucket list 2012. Number 30 to be exact - Blog everyday for one whole week. (Ha we'll see how I go with this) Today I thought I would post my opinions on the Fifty Shades series. A friend of mine recommended I read The Fifty shades books. I looked online and read about what...

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A womans work is never done.

I have quite a lot to write about but I am so tired! I seriously need an early night (every time I say that, it never happens). I really need to watermark pictures & post them here, I will do it... some day. This weeks plans: Tomorrow I need to go back into town because I left a shopping bag in one of the shops,...

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My favourite things about being a mum

In no particular order. ♥ All lounged around in front of the T.V watching family movies. ♥ Hearing the kids giggle. ♥ The kids randomness & how they make me chuckle with some of the things they say (Example: Charlie points to an aeroplane in the sky that' left a trail of "smoke" behind it "Look mummy it's a rocket" ME: "Oh hmm. What makes you think it's a...

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Blogs to follow

Ok, so IF anyone does actually read my posts please recommend to me blogs to follow because I don't have  THAT many friends on blogger... yet!  ...

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Bucket list

Summer Bucket List 2012

Summer bucket list. So, I have seen a few people do this and thought I would follow.. Here is a list of things I would like to achieve by the end of the Summer.. Actually lets say the end of September. Here is my bucket list of things to achieve by September 30th 2012. 1) Go on a picnic at the beach at...

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