
A womans work is never done.


I have quite a lot to write about but I am so tired! I seriously need an early night (every time I say that, it never happens). I really need to watermark pictures & post them here, I will do it... some day. 

This weeks plans: 
Tomorrow I need to go back into town because I left a shopping bag in one of the shops, the bag that had my nieces birthday present in (can not believe she is going to ONE on Sunday). Also need to pick up some fabric conditioner & Shack n Vac because I forgot those two items today when I was in Morrisons because I was in a huge rush to get back in time to take Ellie to nursery & it was POURING with rain. 
Thursday - Take Ellie to nursery in the AM for her "Graduation photos" (Can't believe she'll be at primary school in September! EEK) & then head to my neurologist appointment (it's going to be a mad, mad rush! As per lol) 
Friday - Need a few bits from B&Q so plan on going there, hopefully. 

Busy week! I'm exhausted just thinking about it, lol. 

Anyhow, I need to get off the computer & bath the kids, wash the dishes and put some laundry away... you know, all the usual things lol. Ahhh could just go to sleep right.now. lol. 
Sarah xXx

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